সোমবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২


"The truth is that I need the stimulus of other people. Alone, over my dead fire, I tend to see the thin places in my own stories. The real novelist, the perfectly simple human being, could go on, indefinitely, imagining. He would not integrate, as I do. He would not have this devastating sense of grey ashes in a burnt-out grate. Some blind flaps in my eyes. Everything becomes impervious. I cease to invent."

Virginia Woolf, The Waves

Source: http://commissioner-blake.tumblr.com/post/39219364194

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রবিবার, ৩০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Eric's Online Diary: Solving some family history mysteries

1. ?His birth and death registrations show his name only as Richard Little, so why during his lifetime does he use the middle name of Gibson? His army records and medals from the First World War also show him as Richard Gibson Little.

2. ?Did the name Gibson come from the maiden name of his first wife? This was a story I?d heard from my mother and may have passed on to Mike. The story was that he?d fallen in love with and married the daughter of a family of wealthy shopkeepers from Carlisle. They had disapproved and when the woman died in childbirth, he?d left Cumberland and gone to fight in France, taking her maiden name as his middle name. A similar story, with variances was told by my uncle, Dick Little.

3. ?Who were Richard?s parents? Was his father called Joseph? Online research had not been helpful, creating more questions and no answers.

4. ?Did a maiden aunt bring him up after his mother was said to have died three or four years after his birth?

5. ?On Richard?s death, it was said there was a ?father? who declined through solicitors, to take responsibility of Richard?s children who remained in Stanley House, the orphanage?

6. ?Richard?s ?father? was said to have moved to Cheshire, remarried and had two sons with his second wife.

7. ?Richard's second wife, my grandmother Nelly Beatrice Burrows, descended from a Scottish connection.

Mike has been interested in family history for some years and is quite experienced, so I was pleased that he took on the task of trying to find out the truth. His research started with Richard?s death, which is always a sobering event.

The Death Certificate shows he died of Broncho Pneumonia on 15 December 1937 at Springwell House, Doncaster Urban District, aged 49. ?At the time he was living at Village Street, Adwick-le-Street about five miles north-west of Doncaster. By researching the web site www.workhouses.org.uk/Doncaster/ it seems Springwell House built in 1897 in Balby, had been the local Workhouse and it doesn't sound a good place to be. ?A quote from this web site says:

?After the Local Government Act, 1929 abolished the Poor Law Guardians from 1 April 1930, responsibility for public assistance, and the former workhouse, fell upon Doncaster County Borough Council. The council renamed the premises Springwell House Public Assistance Institution. The buildings continued to function as a local authority hospital and provide accommodation for the destitute and for those who in the language of the period were classed as 'mentally deficient'. Initially, because of the 'poor quality of the accommodation' it was proposed not to adopt Springwell House as a hospital within the National Health Service. However, in the event the premises were taken over by the NHS and were designated as the Western Hospital in 1950. The hospital was used mostly for maternity and geriatric patients. It was demolished in 1974 and the site redeveloped for a primary school and private housing.?

Consequently, we can reasonably assume that Richard was a patient at Springwell House due to the medical condition from which he subsequently died.

The death certificate records his age as 49, suggesting a birth in 1888. ?As the family indicated that Richard was born in Cumberland, a search of the Birth Records enabled Mike to obtain a birth certificate in the name of Richard Little born 9 April 1888, a date that matches the family-quoted date.

This certificate records the birth at Ruckcroft, near Ainstable, a small hamlet to the north-east of Penrith, his mother being Margaret Little (nee Lowis), a charwoman, who appears to be illiterate as she had to make her ?mark? in completing the registration.

No father?s name is shown on the certificate with the space provided being struck out. ?At the end of the 19th century this action by the Registrar generally indicated that the father was unknown or that the mother was not prepared to declare it and, therefore, Richard seems to have been illegitimate.

Mike then began tracing Richard in the census records available within his lifetime, with the following results:

1891 ? shown as Richard G [suggesting he was already named Gibson] aged two; a nurse child; living at Cross House, Becks, Ainstable with Anthony and Mary Sander. ?

Initial research did not produce any firm connection between the Sanders and Margaret Little (nee Lowis) other than Anthony Sanders being the son of Joseph Sander, Registrar, who registered Margaret?s birth. Becks is within a mile of Richard?s place of birth and west and south of Ruckcroft.

1901 ? shown again as ?Richard G? aged 12, this time living as son with Joseph and Margaret Barnes at Ruckcroft. ?Joseph was an agricultural labourer but in later life became a corn miller. Joseph?s parents, and eventually Joseph, were millers at Dale Mill, Ainstable.

1911 ? Richard cannot be found with or without his G, but would have been 22 years old. He served in the Great War with the York and Lancaster regiment which mainly recruited from the south Yorkshire (Hallamshire) area, so he may have moved there for reasons of work. Easy for a single man to slip through the census.

Turning back to the 1901 census, Mike researched the Barnes family and found that Margaret, Joseph?s wife, was Margaret Little on their marriage certificate. She was shown as a widow and her father as Henry Lowis. Was Margaret Barnes, the same person as Margaret Little, nee Lowis, the mother of Richard? Had she not died as the family thought and had she taken him back into her care once she had a secure station in life?

Mike needed to establish the real connection between Margaret Little/Lowis and Joseph Barnes, so he searched Cumberland Records for marriages of a Margaret Lowis (and alternatives such as Lewis and Lowes) and found a marriage to a John Little in 1871. In the 1881 census, Margaret and John were living at Castle Dyke, Ainstable, with their sons Henry Lowes Little (b.1871) and John Richard Little (b.1879). The census entry immediately prior to this family was that of a Henry and Jane Lowis. Tracing Henry and Jane back through the census records confirms that Margaret was their daughter, as did a copy of her birth certificate giving her birth as 11 April 1851 to parents of Henry Lowis and Jane Lowis (nee Gibson).

To get closer to the Lowis/Little connection, in June 2012 Mike spent three days visiting the Carlisle Archives to examine specific Parish Records and found baptism records for Margaret (8 February 1858 at Ainstable ie seven years after her birth) and most of her nine siblings. In addition, he found Parish Records confirming her two marriages to John Little (11 Nov 1871) and Joseph Barnes (28 Oct 1891). ?Both men were shown as bachelors and Margaret Little as widow when she married Barnes. The 1911 census shows there were no children to this marriage.

So it looked as if Richard was the son of John Little and Margaret (Lowis, Little, Barnes), explaining his surname and with the Gibson connection coming from Margaret?s mother?s maiden name. Margaret was clearly quite keen to keep her family's female surnames in memory because she?d used her own maiden name as the middle name for her first child. Her husband John had died, Richard was cared for by foster parents until Margaret got back on her feet and married again, then he was brought up by his mum and stepfather - all explained (or was it?).

Why was John Little not shown as Richard?s father on his birth certificate and what had happened to her other two sons? Mike subsequently traced John Little?s death to Sleetburn Colliery, Brandon and Byshottles just east of Durham on 8 January 1885 - Richard wasn?t born until April 1888, three years later. John Little could not have been his father. ?

Like a lot of family history trails, this one was throwing up as many questions as answers.

One thing that is an obvious change in social history in the second half of the 19th Century is that people were far more mobile. One of my great grandparents moved from rural Norfolk to the bustle of Liverpool, another moved from Norfolk to East Yorkshire; there was emigration to Canada and there was migration to London. People that had worked on the land for generations were being pushed off by mechanisation and they were also able to earn better wages by working in industry.

The fact that John and Margaret Little moved across the Pennines from near Penrith to Durham is not such a big leap. Durham was a thriving coal-mining area and would be hungry for workers. The connection with Durham seems to have come about because Margaret?s younger sister, Sarah, married John Healey and they moved to Co Durham where John Healey worked in the mines. I guess Margaret and John heard there was good money to be earned and followed them.

So, upon Richard?s birth in 1888, Margaret had been a widow for more than three years. We know she was working as a charwoman (cleaner) and Mike was able to confirm that her two sons Henry and John were living with their father?s family.

Mike has not been able to find a baptism record for Richard. He has also searched the official Bastardy Records for the period to see who may have taken financial responsibility for Richard until Margaret married Joseph Barnes, but these did not extend beyond 1874 and so proved fruitless. ?In the April 1891 census he was, of course, being cared for by Anthony and Mary Sander.

So who might Richard?s father have been and what would the Sanders? motive have been for looking after him?

Anthony Sander, who was caring for Richard as a two-year-old in 1891, was the son of Joseph Sander b.1802. In the 1851 census, this Joseph Sander shows as farmer of 65 acres and also a Registrar of Births and Deaths, living at The Vicarage, Ainstable with his wife Ann, a daughter and four sons, including Anthony (b.1831) and another called Joseph (b.1836) in Ainstable. Anthony married Mary and they also had a son called Joseph b.1867 in Ainstable.

You will recall that family lore states that Richard?s father was called Joseph, which may have been Joseph Barnes (his stepfather) but there are now a few other Josephs who have stepped into the limelight. Could either the son or grandson of the original Joseph Sander, both also called Joseph, be Richard?s father?

The first Joseph (b.1836) can be discounted as he died in 1869.

Anthony?s son, Joseph (b.1867) left home between 1881 and 1891 moving to Benwell, north of Gateshead, to become a crane driver. He was living with Richard Pearson and his family who had all been born in Ainstable and this was probably the connection that took him there. By the 1901 census, he had moved to Newcastle upon Tyne, become a Bank Porter and married Jane Chalder in 1893. ?She came from Alston near to Ainstable. In the 1911 census the family were still in Newcastle and Joseph was now a Bank Messenger.

The question is whether this Joseph was Richard?s natural father. This can only be answered if the Sander family can be traced and they have the knowledge.?He was certainly of an age to have been the father and the connection of Ainstable between Joseph and Margaret is clear. ?Further, it could be possible that Joseph?s parents, Anthony and Mary, cared for Richard as a ?family? son as Margaret was unable to provide financially for Richard.

This seems a good explanation of why Anthony and Mary Sander were looking after Richard. Perhaps Margaret returned to Ainstable from Durham a widow with two sons. The Little family took in the sons and Sanders offered her some cleaning work where she caught the eye of young Joseph ...

Perhaps a deal was struck by the grandparents to help Margaret out in return for keeping their son?s name ?guilt free??

Joseph Sander, who may have been my great grandfather (there?s no proof, but some circumstantial evidence) died in 1932 aged 65.

After the 1901 census, there?s no trace of Richard Gibson Little (my grandfather) until he pops up as a soldier in the Great War. The regiment he joins is a small one which recruited from a distinct area and so it?s quite likely that he?d gone to South Yorkshire seeking work and had joined up soon after the outbreak of war. He?d been wounded and sent home for a spell. He seems to have gone ?home? to Cumberland, met Annie Elizabeth Braithwaite and married her on 20 September 1917 at Ousby ? a village south-east of Ruckcroft and Ainstable. ?

There is no father?s name shown on this marriage certificate, suggesting that Richard was illegitimate. Clearly, Richard did not take the name Gibson from Annie but certainly from his grandmother, Jane Lowis, whose maiden name was Gibson. ?Sadly, the story about his first love dying was true as Annie died on 9 November 1919 during childbirth and there is no reference of the child surviving ? it was not made compulsory to register a stillbirth until 1927. ?My Aunt Margaret (Margaret Smith) has the prayer book given to Annie on her confirmation on 12 May 1910 by the Rector at Ousby.

Richard also shows himself as Gibson on his second marriage, to my grandmother Nelly Beatrice Burrows. ?Nelly?s birth certificate shows she was born on 6 Apr 1894 at Low Catton, Pocklington, east of York. ?Her father and his family come from Burston, Norfolk and her mother?s family are East Yorkshire based (both well documented), so no Scottish connection here.

Richard?s marriage certificate to Nelly records his father as Joseph Little. This is most likely to be his late stepfather Joseph Barnes. Mike thinks that Richard gave the name Joseph and occupation miller to the Rector and he had incorrectly written his name as Joseph Little instead of Joseph Barnes. Joseph had, of course, taken responsibility for and acted as Richard?s father following his marriage to Margaret, so he deserved some credit. Probably, no attempt was made to correct the mistake as Richard had other things on his mind (it was his wedding day) and both Joseph Barnes and his mother Margaret had died a few years earlier.

The question of Joseph Barnes being quoted as ?father? in official documents such as the census, is common during the 19th and early 20th centuries when viewed in the light of second marriages by one partner; i.e. Margaret ? Joseph was a bachelor on marriage to Margaret.?Margaret died of Stomach Cancer on the 30 May 1916 at Ousby Mill, Ousby, as the widow of Joseph Barnes, corn miller ? Joseph had died in early 1915 in Ousby. ?Mike visited St Luke?s Church, Ousby and with the help of a graveyard plan in the church, found and photographed the adjacent sites of Margaret and Joseph?s graves although no headstones are erected.

Sadly, after Nelly?s death in 1933 (at the age of 39), all of their children, except John, were taken into Stanley House Children?s Home run by Doncaster Council. ?Upon Richard?s death in 1937 family lore states that a ?father? (grandfather) had declined to take responsibility for the children. Who might have turned their back on the family?

The only father figure still living at Richard?s death was John Burrows, Nelly?s father and the children?s grandfather. At this time he was 76 years old, a widower, and understandably unlikely to be willing (or able) to take in the children. He died in Doncaster in 1940.

So where has this research left those family mysteries?

Mike has established:

? ?Richard was illegitimate, with no natural father established. He clearly was given the name Gibson from his grandmother, Jane Lowis (nee Gibson).

? ?His mother was Margaret Lowis born 1851; died 1916 who married John Little (died 1885) and later married Joseph Barnes with whom she brought up her son.

? ?Richard?s natural father cannot be determined and, whilst I am happy to point the finger at Joseph Sander, Mike thinks it is unlikely. He thinks that if this was the case Margaret and Joseph would have married before or shortly after Richard?s birth as, being single, neither had any reason not to do so. Bearing in mind that Joseph?s grandfather was the local Registrar, a man of standing in the community, to legitimise the birth would have been a priority. Of course, this doesn?t explain why the Sanders looked after Richard as a young child.

? ?If Joseph Barnes was the natural father the same argument (no restrictions on marrying) hold good, so why wait three years. Based on Richard and Nelly?s marriage certificate it was Joseph Barnes who family lore believe to be Joseph Little, father of Richard. This is supported by the father?s occupation being shown as miller on the certificate.

? ?Nelly Burrows was certainly not Scottish - her family roots are deep in Norfolk and Yorkshire.

? ?The question of a father moving to Cheshire can be discounted.

? ?There was no maiden aunt and Richard?s mother did not die until much later when he was an adult. Perhaps the Sanders were the maiden aunt?

There are links here to previous blog postings concerning Richard Gibson Little:

Family History Mysteries

Family History Medals

If you?ve stuck with this posting to the bitter end, well done. Some family history research provides rollicking good stories like the frontiersman Zachariah Burrows, other stories are rather more forensic. Thanks again to Mike Towers for his diligence - this was a complicated one to unravel and there remains just enough uncertainty to keep that murky air of mystery that has made Richard Gibson Little so intriguing to us all.

If anyone wants access to the family tree just mail me and if anyone knows who my great grandfather really was then I?d love to know!

Source: http://ericsdailydiary.blogspot.com/2012/12/solving-some-family-history-mysteries.html

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Source: http://www.stopthecanal.org/1675-sports-fan-recreation-space-debuts-green-bay-packers-american-footbal-gear.html

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শনিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Reaction to death of Norman Schwarzkopf

Reaction to the death Thursday of retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf:


"With the passing of Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, we've lost an American original. From his decorated service in Vietnam to the historic liberation of Kuwait and his leadership of United States Central Command, Gen. Schwarzkopf stood tall for the country and Army he loved. Our prayers are with the Schwarzkopf family, who tonight can know that his legacy will endure in a nation that is more secure because of his patriotic service." ? President Barack Obama.


"Barbara and I mourn the loss of a true American patriot and one of the great military leaders of his generation. A distinguished member of that 'Long Gray Line' hailing from West Point, Gen. Norm Schwarzkopf, to me, epitomized the 'duty, service, country' creed that has defended our freedom and seen this great nation through our most trying international crises. More than that, he was a good and decent man ? and a dear friend. Barbara and I send our condolences to his wife, Brenda, and his wonderful family." ? former President George H.W. Bush.


"With the passing of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, America lost a great patriot and a great soldier. Norm served his country with courage and distinction for over 35 years. The highlight of his career was the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm. 'Stormin' Norman' led the coalition forces to victory, ejecting the Iraqi Army from Kuwait and restoring the rightful government. His leadership not only inspired his troops, but also inspired the nation. He was a good friend of mine, a close buddy. I will miss him. My wife, Alma, joins me in extending our deepest condolences to his wife, Brenda, and to her family." ? former Secretary of State Colin Powell.


"The men and women of the Department of Defense join me in mourning the loss of Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, whose 35 years of service in uniform left an indelible imprint on the United States military and on the country. The son of a decorated Army officer, Gen. Schwarzkopf followed his father's legacy of service by enrolling in West Point in the 1950s. His bravery during two tours in Vietnam earned him three Silver Stars, and set him on the path lead our troops into battle in Grenada, and then to take charge of the overall allied effort in the first Gulf War as commander of United States Central Command. Gen. Schwarzkopf's skilled leadership of that campaign liberated the Kuwaiti people and produced a decisive victory for the allied coalition. In the aftermath of that war, Gen. Schwarzkopf was justly recognized as a brilliant strategist and inspiring leader. Today, we recall that enduring legacy and remember him as one of the great military giants of the 20th century. My thoughts and prayers are with the Schwarzkopf family in this time of sadness and grief." ? Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.


"I was saddened to learn today of the passing of Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, a fellow West Point graduate, former CENTCOM commander and one of the 20th century's finest soldiers and leaders. I join the civilian and military leaders of our country, and servicemen and women, past and present, in mourning his death. Gen. Schwarzkopf embodied the warrior spirit, serving with distinction in three conflicts over his 35 years of dedicated service. The hallmark of his remarkable career was the swift and decisive victory over Saddam Hussein's forces after they invaded Kuwait. The thoughts and prayers of the Joint Chiefs and the Joint Force are with Gen. Schwarzkopf's family and friends." ? Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/reaction-death-norman-schwarzkopf-014655500.html

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Fearful of ban, frenzied buyers swarm gun stores

FILE - In this Thursday, July 26, 2012 file photo, an AR-15 style rifle is displayed at the Firing-Line indoor range and gun shop in Aurora, Colo. Demand for firearms, ammunition and bulletproof gear has jumped since the Dec. 14 school shooting in Newtown, Conn., that killed 20 children and six adults. Politicians, including President Barack Obama, have called for tighter gun control since then. That has sent Americans into a panic, buying as many guns and as much ammunition as they can get their hands on before any type of ban is set. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

FILE - In this Thursday, July 26, 2012 file photo, an AR-15 style rifle is displayed at the Firing-Line indoor range and gun shop in Aurora, Colo. Demand for firearms, ammunition and bulletproof gear has jumped since the Dec. 14 school shooting in Newtown, Conn., that killed 20 children and six adults. Politicians, including President Barack Obama, have called for tighter gun control since then. That has sent Americans into a panic, buying as many guns and as much ammunition as they can get their hands on before any type of ban is set. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

FILE - In this Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012 file photo, Clerk Lance McCoy, right, shows a variety of weapons including an AR-15 style semi-automatic at Kizer Guns and Ammo near Nacogdoches, Texas. Demand for firearms, ammunition and bulletproof gear has jumped since the Dec. 14 school shooting in Newtown, Conn., that killed 20 children and six adults. Politicians, including President Barack Obama, have called for tighter gun control since then. That has sent Americans into a panic, buying as many guns and as much ammunition as they can get their hands on before any type of ban is set. (AP Photo/The Daily Sentinel, Andrew D. Brosig, File) MANDATORY CREDIT

(AP) ? The phones at Red's Trading Post wouldn't stop ringing. Would-be customers from as far away as New York wanted to know if the Twin Falls, Idaho gun shop had firearms in stock. Others clamored to find out if their orders had been shipped.

Overwhelmed, gun store manager Ryan Horsley had to do what no employee would ever think of doing just days before Christmas: He disconnected the phone lines for three whole days.

"We had to shut everything off," says Horsley, whose family has owned Red's Trading Post, the state's oldest gun shop, since 1936. "We were swamped in the store and online."

The phones at gun shops across the country are ringing off the hook. Demand for firearms, ammunition and bulletproof gear has surged since the Dec. 14 massacre in Newtown, Conn., that took the lives of 20 schoolchildren and six teachers and administrators. The shooting sparked calls for tighter gun control measures, especially for military-style assault weapons like the ones used in Newtown and in the Aurora, Colo., movie theater shooting earlier this year. The prospect of a possible weapons ban has sent gun enthusiasts into a panic and sparked a frenzy of buying at stores and gun dealers nationwide.

Assault rifles are sold out across the country. Rounds of .223 bullets, like those used in the AR-15 type Bushmaster rifle used in Newtown, are scarce. Stores are struggling to restock their shelves. Gun and ammunition makers are telling retailers they will have to wait months to get more.

Store owners who have been in the business for years say they have never seen demand like this before.

When asked how much sales have increased in the past few weeks, Horsley just laughed.

"We haven't even had a chance to look at it," he says. Horsley spends his days calling manufacturers around the country trying to buy more items for the store. Mainly, they tell him he has to wait.

Franklin Armory, a firearm maker in Morgan Hill, Calif., is telling dealers that it will take six months to fulfill their orders. The company plans to hire more workers and buy more machines to catch up, says Franklin Armory's President Jay Jacobson.

The shortage is leaving many would-be gun owners empty handed.

William Kotis went to a gun show in Winston-Salem, N.C., last weekend hoping to buy a rifle for target shooting. Almost everything was sold out.

"Assault rifles were selling like crazy," says Kotis, who is president and CEO of Kotis Holdings, a real estate development company based in Greensboro. "People are stockpiling."

He left without buying anything.

Luke Orlando's parents were able to get him the 12-gauge shotgun he wanted for Christmas to bird hunt, but his uncle wasn't as lucky.

"At Christmas dinner, my uncle expressed outrage that after waiting six months to use his Christmas bonus to purchase an AR-15, they are sold out and back ordered over a year," says Orlando, 18, a student at the University of Texas.

No organization publicly releases gun sales data. The only way to measure demand is by the number of background checks that are conducted when someone wants to buy a firearm. Those numbers are released by the Federal Reserve Bureau every month. Data for December is not out yet. But the Federal Bureau of Investigation says that it did 16.8 million firearm background checks as of the end of November, up more than 2 percent from a year ago.

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation, which handles background checks for the state, can't keep up with the number of requests it is getting. The bureau has pulled staff from other units and increased its hours, says spokesperson Susan Medina.

Many firearm dealers and manufacturers say that Obama's comments since the Newtown school shooting are driving demand.

James Zimmerman of SelwayArmory.com, a website that sells guns, ammunition and knives, says that sales really took off on Dec. 19 after President Barack Obama held a White House press conference announcing that Vice President Joe Biden would lead a team tasked with coming up with "concrete proposals" to curb gun violence.

That day, one customer ordered 32,000 rounds of ammunition from SelwayArmory.com, worth close to $18,000. The order had to be shipped from the company's Lolo, Mont., office to Kentucky on a freight truck.

"I've done more sales in the week after the 19th than I have the whole year," says Zimmerman, who launched SelwayArmory.com in 2009.

At Lady Liberty Gunsmithing LLC in Atlantic City, N.J., a customer called last week asking if a pistol he wanted was available. When he was told there was only one left, he drove more than two hours from Newark, N.J., to buy it that same day.

"People want guns now even more than ever," says Guy Petinga II, whose father opened the store above his home in 1996.

Others saw demand immediately after the shooting.

Bullet Blocker, which makes bulletproof vests, briefcases and insert panels, saw sales of its children's backpacks suddenly jump.

"That's how I found out about the tragedy. I saw the sales rise and then turned on CNN," says Elmar Uy, vice president of business operations at the Billerica, Mass., company.

Bullet Blocker has sold about 50 to 100 bulletproof backpacks a day since the shooting, up from about 10 to 15 in a regular week. The children's backpacks, which are designed to be used as shields, cost over $200 each.

"I've never seen numbers like this before," says Uy.


Follow Joseph Pisani at http://twitter.com/josephpisani

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-12-28-Smallbiz-Guns%20For%20Christmas/id-369e2085b5d34fa39af3cb5294f52226

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Former President Bush moved out of intensive care

HOUSTON (AP) ? Former President George H.W. Bush's condition continued to improve Saturday, prompting doctors to move him out of intensive care, a spokesman said.

"President Bush's condition has improved, so he has been moved today from the intensive care unit to a regular patient room at The Methodist Hospital to continue his recovery," family spokesman Jim McGrath said Saturday. "The Bushes thank everyone for their prayers and good wishes."

Bush was hospitalized Nov. 23 for treatment of a bronchitis-related cough. He was moved to intensive care at the Houston hospital on Dec. 23 after he developed a fever.

On Friday, McGrath said Bush had improved since arriving in the ICU. He said he was alert and in good spirits and was even doing some singing.

McGrath said Saturday morning that future updates on Bush's condition would be made as warranted.

Bush, the 41st president, is the country's oldest living former president by a few months.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/former-president-bush-moved-intensive-care-210408456.html

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শুক্রবার, ২৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Reaction to death of Norman Schwarzkopf

Reaction to the death Thursday of retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf:


"With the passing of Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, we've lost an American original. From his decorated service in Vietnam to the historic liberation of Kuwait and his leadership of United States Central Command, Gen. Schwarzkopf stood tall for the country and Army he loved. Our prayers are with the Schwarzkopf family, who tonight can know that his legacy will endure in a nation that is more secure because of his patriotic service." ? President Barack Obama.


"Barbara and I mourn the loss of a true American patriot and one of the great military leaders of his generation. A distinguished member of that 'Long Gray Line' hailing from West Point, Gen. Norm Schwarzkopf, to me, epitomized the 'duty, service, country' creed that has defended our freedom and seen this great nation through our most trying international crises. More than that, he was a good and decent man ? and a dear friend. Barbara and I send our condolences to his wife, Brenda, and his wonderful family." ? former President George H.W. Bush.


"With the passing of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, America lost a great patriot and a great soldier. Norm served his country with courage and distinction for over 35 years. The highlight of his career was the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm. 'Stormin' Norman' led the coalition forces to victory, ejecting the Iraqi Army from Kuwait and restoring the rightful government. His leadership not only inspired his troops, but also inspired the nation. He was a good friend of mine, a close buddy. I will miss him. My wife, Alma, joins me in extending our deepest condolences to his wife, Brenda, and to her family." ? former Secretary of State Colin Powell.


"The men and women of the Department of Defense join me in mourning the loss of Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, whose 35 years of service in uniform left an indelible imprint on the United States military and on the country. The son of a decorated Army officer, Gen. Schwarzkopf followed his father's legacy of service by enrolling in West Point in the 1950s. His bravery during two tours in Vietnam earned him three Silver Stars, and set him on the path lead our troops into battle in Grenada, and then to take charge of the overall allied effort in the first Gulf War as commander of United States Central Command. Gen. Schwarzkopf's skilled leadership of that campaign liberated the Kuwaiti people and produced a decisive victory for the allied coalition. In the aftermath of that war, Gen. Schwarzkopf was justly recognized as a brilliant strategist and inspiring leader. Today, we recall that enduring legacy and remember him as one of the great military giants of the 20th century. My thoughts and prayers are with the Schwarzkopf family in this time of sadness and grief." ? Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.


"I was saddened to learn today of the passing of Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, a fellow West Point graduate, former CENTCOM commander and one of the 20th century's finest soldiers and leaders. I join the civilian and military leaders of our country, and servicemen and women, past and present, in mourning his death. Gen. Schwarzkopf embodied the warrior spirit, serving with distinction in three conflicts over his 35 years of dedicated service. The hallmark of his remarkable career was the swift and decisive victory over Saddam Hussein's forces after they invaded Kuwait. The thoughts and prayers of the Joint Chiefs and the Joint Force are with Gen. Schwarzkopf's family and friends." ? Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/reaction-death-norman-schwarzkopf-014655500.html

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Apple CEO's pay takes big hit vs. record 2011 package

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Apple Inc CEO Tim Cook's 2012 compensation package of $4.17 million is a huge cut on paper for the top executive of the most valuable U.S. corporation, after a 2011 package fattened by more than $376 million in long-term stock awards.

Cook received the largest single pay package awarded to a company CEO in about a decade when he replaced Apple co-founder Steve Jobs in August last year, shortly before the Silicon Valley legend's death in October 2011.

The maker of the iPhone and iPad made the 2012 compensation disclosures in a regulatory filing on Thursday. Cook, 52, has been with Apple since 1998.

Virtually all of Cook's $376 million stock bonus in 2011 was in awards that vest in two chunks - one in 2016 and the other in 2021. This structure was intended to keep Jobs' longtime lieutenant at the helm for many years, as the value of the stock will depend on how well the company is doing in 2016 and 2021.

Cook, who is credited with masterminding a sprawling but efficient Asian supply chain, has generally received high marks for his first year for shepherding several successful gadget launches, including the iPhone 5.

But he was forced to make a public apology in September after the company launched a mapping service application riddled with glaring geographical errors. The Maps app fiasco contributed to the departure of fellow Apple veteran and software chief Scott Forstall.

In addition, some analysts questioned whether Cook, whose only major new product since taking the helm was a smaller version of the iPad that Jobs propelled into the mainstream in 2010, has the vision to produce the next big product category and sustain historically stellar growth for Apple as global mobile competition intensifies.

"The jury is still out in terms of the job he is doing," said fund manager Tim Ghriskey, whose Solaris Group counts Apple stock as the biggest holding among the approximately $2 billion it manages.

But he added that the company's long-term prospects look strong, particularly if it rolls out oft-rumored television products in the next few years.

As of Thursday's close, Apple shares were almost 37 percent higher than when Cook became CEO 16 months ago. However, since a record-high close of $702.10 on September 19, the stock has fallen almost 27 percent.

Ghriskey said Wall Street remained nervous about the growing popularity of Google Inc's Android phone software, used by global smartphone leader Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, and potential margin pressure from that intensifying competition.


In terms of base salary, Cook actually received a 50 percent increase to $1.4 million for 2012, and the same 200 percent non-equity bonus other top Apple executives like CFO Peter Oppenheimer earned, Apple said in the Thursday filing ahead of a February 27 shareholders' meeting.

Cook's 2012 package includes a nonequity bonus of $2.8 million.

Despite the increase, Apple said Cook's target annual cash compensation is "significantly below the median annual cash compensation level for CEOs at peer companies." It also said that Cook will not receive any stock awards for 2012.

Cook's latest compensation package also pales in comparison to his package in 2010, when he was chief operating officer. That package was 14 times higher.

A company spokesman would not comment beyond the filing.

Jobs famously received $1 a year in salary in the three years before he stepped down, though in 2000 he too received a stock option that analysts say was valued at almost $600 million at the time.

Looking beyond Apple, Yahoo Inc's CEO, Marissa Mayer, a former Google Inc high-flyer hired this year to try to turn around the struggling Internet icon, won a pay package worth more than $70 million. [ID:nL1E8LJJB5] Despite her lack of a track record as CEO and Yahoo's tiny size in comparison, her basic pay is comparable to Cook's, with about $1 million in annual salary and up to $2 million in an annual bonus.

Oracle Corp's Larry Ellison, one of the most highly paid U.S. chief executives - and also the world's sixth-richest man, according to Forbes - received total compensation for the year ended May 31, 2012, of $96.2 million - almost all of it in stock options. That compared with $77.6 million in 2011.

According to a study of the Fortune 500 conducted by Forbes this year, CEOs were paid a base salary of $1.1 million in 2011 on average, with the mean annual bonus at $2.4 million and average total compensation - including stock awards - at around $17 million.

Apple shares closed up 0.4 percent at $515.06 on the Nasdaq on Thursday.

(Reporting by Sinead Carew and Liana Baker in New York, Jim Finkle and Tim McLaughlin in Boston and Edwin Chan in San Francisco; editing by Kenneth Barry and Matthew Lewis)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/apple-ceos-pay-package-drops-99-percent-2011-165309423--finance.html

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Russia's Putin says he intends to sign anti-US adoptions bill into law

MOSCOW - Russian President Vladimir Putin says he will sign a controversial bill banning Americans from adopting Russian children.

Putin told a televised meeting on Thursday that he "doesn't see any reasons" against the bill and said that he "intends to sign it" into law. The president said U.S. authorities deny access to adopted Russian children and lets Americans suspected of violence towards Russian adoptees go unpunished.

Critics say that the bill will deprive many Russian orphans of an opportunity to get a family.

The Russian parliament has voted for the bill, which is part of a larger measure by lawmakers retaliating against a recently signed U.S. law calling for sanctions against Russians deemed guilty of human rights violations.

UNICEF estimates that there are about 740,000 children without parental custody in Russia.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/russias-putin-says-intends-sign-anti-us-adoptions-122757586.html

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Some Things I Want In An E-Commerce Site | LevelTen | Dallas, TX

During the holidays I find myself shopping online more than in store. As much as I am thankful for the absence of crowds when shopping online, I also find that some sites are not offering me the experience that I desire. Sometimes, I get so frustrated looking for an item or a deal that I just give up for the day. So, in honor of my vexation toward some of these sites, I've decided to make a basic list of things I want in an e-commerce site.

  • I Want to Feel Like I'm Shopping, But Without The Hassle
    One thing that I love about shopping in store is the feeling that I'm discovering something new on my own. Sometimes shoppers are just "browsering" (my little term for online browsing). Give your visitors the option to explore by adding interesting designs and intriguing copy. Just be sure that your copy matches with terms you use in store (ie. Denim vs. Jeans). Allow visitors to have an experience, not just rely on a search box. Consider this step like merchandising for your website. Would you put that sweater in your store's front window? If not, then keep it off your homepage.
  • I Want Options
    Of course, you'll want your site to display if an item comes in another color and which sizes are available online. People will turn to your website when a product isn't available in store, so make searching as simple as possible. Consider adding a zoom feature so that viewers who haven't seen the product in store can have a better idea of materials and texture. It may also be beneficial to offer items that are only available online. Online exclusives can be a real hit because they are "rare" and can get a good word of mouth reputation.
  • I Want To Feel Like I'm Getting A Deal
    Like it or not, people will go into your store to check out your product in person then see if they can get a better deal online. This technique is called "showrooming". It's easier for consumers to compare prices online since it only requires opening a new tab and running a search. Stay on top of good deals (shipping, sales, online codes, etc.) and excellent customer service both in store and online. Be aware that disgruntled customers will turn to the web to leave nasty comments about bad experiences. Make ease, availability, and reliability your winning factors.
  • I Don't Want To Feel Like My Time Was Wasted
    Make navigation as simple as possible. Having categories like "Casual" in the main navigation tab might confuse someone who is trying to quickly find a dress. It's better to have the category "Dresses" in your main nav and then allow the user to filter by Casual, Formal, Workwear, etc. One popular refinement is "Filter By Price". Viewing items classified by price really makes finding deals a breeze. Another way to save your users time is to add infinite scrolling for products so that he or she won't have to keep clicking the "Next Page" button. Thoughtful planning and wireframing is the best way to save time for your user. Just keep it simple, if you get confused by your site, you can be sure that your user will too.
  • I Want To Know That My Payment Is Secure
    This is a no brainer, right? Wrong. Be extra sure that transactions on your site are secure, and provide a statement to that effect. Do not slack off when it comes to your consumer's money. They are trusting your business and they deserve a secure checkout. Make sure you set up security certificates. Drupal's Secure Site module is a great tool to add to your site. Have your system send out immediate receipts to the buyer's email address. Online tracking also helps put a consumer's mind at ease when it comes to shipping.

What are some grievances you have with e-commerce sites? Is there something that you always like to see when shopping online?

Photo credit: Tetra Pak

Source: http://www.leveltendesign.com/blog/julie-miller/some-things-i-want-e-commerce-site

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বুধবার, ১৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

New kids' online privacy rules give pass to Apple, Google, Facebook

December 19, 2012, 10:15 a.m.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Tech giants such as Apple, Facebook and Google scored a victory in the Federal Trade Commission?s new rules governing kids? online privacy that were announced Wednesday.

Federal regulators exempted app purveyors such as Apple's App Store and Google Play from having to police apps. Providers of plug-ins such as Facebook with its ?Like? button were also exempted.

According to the new rules, they will only be responsible if they have "actual knowledge" that an online service or app is not complying with the new rules governing how they are allowed to collect information from kids.

Rule changes that the FTC proposed in August would have made the tech giants more responsible for apps that violate the rules. But the tech companies engaged in heavy lobbying efforts in recent months to dial back the proposals, arguing they would stifle innovation and hamper economic growth.

During a news conference Wednesday, FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz said regulators never meant to include app stores and simply clarified their proposals to reflect that.

As a result, Apple and Google will not have to make sure the apps in their stores comply with children?s privacy rules that require kids' apps and websites to get consent from parents before tracking kids' online behavior or gathering kids' photos, videos or location.

Children's advocates had pushed for more regulation of technology companies that distribute children's apps.

"The industry definitely did the best it could to lobby to water down the FTC's proposed updates. But what was interesting is that they all took that lobbying in different directions ? each group wanted someone else to have the responsibility. The app developers passed the buck to the app stores. The app stores passed the buck to the advertisers. In the end, no one in the industry at all was willing to step up and take responsibility for protecting kids," said James Steyer, CEO and founder of advocacy group Common Sense Media. "Fortunately, the FTC struck an appropriate balance."


FTC investigates mobile apps makers on children's privacy

Federal regulators take steps to strengthen kids' online privacy

Parents want more online privacy protections for kids, privacy groups say

Follow me on Twitter @jguynn


Source: http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-kids-online-privacy-rules-apple-google-facebook-20121219,0,6467513.story?track=rss

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Study: 39,000 Ohio jobs linked to shale oil, gas production

By? Dan Gearino

The Columbus Dispatch Wednesday December 19, 2012 3:13 PM

Ohio this year has 39,000 jobs linked to shale oil and gas production, a number that is projected to more than triple by the end of the decade, according to a new report.

Shale oil and gas accounts for $4.1 billion of the value of the goods and services produced in Ohio this year, a number that will rise to $18 billion in 2020 and $35 billion in 2035, said the national report by the research firm IHS Global Insight.

The IHS report is the most recent of several studies that make estimates on the moving target of shale development.

?The unconventional oil and gas revolution is having a bigger impact across the country, including in nonproducing states, than is generally recognized,? said Daniel Yergin, vice chairman of IHS, in a statement. ?What we found is that the economic and financial links reach out across all the states in our highly-interconnected national economy.?

The report was financed by business groups that support shale drilling, including the American Petroleum Institute and America?s Natural Gas Alliance.

Ohio has approved more than 500 permits to drill horizontal wells in the Marcellus and Utica shale formations, according to the state Department of Natural Resources. Oil and gas are extracted through a process called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.

The state ranks ninth out of the top 10 for production related to shale oil and gas, a group led by Texas and Pennsylvania. As group, the top 10 will contribute 1.2 million jobs and $178 billion to their state economies this year.

For some perspective, the $4.1 billion worth of Ohio goods and services, is roughly 1 percent of the state?s total for 2011; this measure, called gross domestic product, is tracked by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

On the employment total, 39,000 jobs is a little more than half of 1 percent of the state?s current total work force. IHS says the shale jobs will hit 144,000 by 2020 and 267,000 by 2035.

The growth projections assume that oil and gas prices will be high enough to encourage further investment. Estimating the commodity prices and their effect on employment is one of the most difficult parts of making such a report, said Daniel Meges, an economist at Chmura Economics & Analytics in Cleveland.

?Ultimately employment depends on drilling,? he said. ?Nobody gets employed unless they are drilling wells. They are not going to drill too much if the price of gas is too low.?

Prices are low right now, but have been rising.

Meges? firm issued a report of its own, showing that Ohio has 25,000 jobs related to shale oil and gas as of 2011. Working on the report, he learned the difficulty in deciding which jobs are connected to oil and gas drilling. His estimate was on the conservative side, including employees and independent contractors directly involved with the industry.

?If you add in the lawyers that are running around southwestern Ohio right now and you throw in some engineering consulting, you could get some big numbers,? he said.

The IHS study found that the largest employers in Ohio?s industry are administrative and support services, scientific and technical services, and manufacturing.

The report also looks at how drilling will contribute to the economies of all 32 states where there is no drilling activity, including jobs in manufacturing and legal and financial services. ?



Source: http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/business/2012/12/19/study-shows-shale-employment-in-ohio.html

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Medical Equipment Should Be Leased - Direct Capital

Medical Equipment

The doctor is in need of medical equipment leasing.

Direct Capital has long believed that the best way to obtain medical equipment, which often borders on cost-prohibitive, is to lease it. While the world likes to think of doctors as fabulously wealthy, you and I know that small practices are operating with the same thin profit margin every mom and pop store grapples with. That makes leasing a more attractive option.

In essence, there are four reasons why leases beat buying outright and even loans.

  • You don?t have to pay for the whole thing outright. Buying equipment has its own advantages, but it?s going to leave you out a significant amount of cash right out of the game. Unless the equipment pays itself back quickly?i.e. better diagnostics or faster patient processing?that?s a punch to your bottom line.
  • Loans require significant collateral, and if something goes wrong along the way with your loan, that collateral is at risk. Leases require little-to-no collateral, which means you can feel a little more secure if you hit bumps in the road.
  • Payback options can be tailored to fit your office?s needs, which is a huge plus. Perhaps the biggest advantage with a lease is that you can, when working with the right lender, pay back more during your busiest months (flu season?) and less during the slower times.
  • Leases are available right now in a way that bank loans simply are not. Banks have been incredibly slow to resume lending, while independent finance firms who do leases are growing. If you need equipment, there?s never been a better time to lease it. Honestly.

We hope you?ll keep these advantages in mind as you think about how to get your equipment in Q4, 2013 and beyond.

We?re almost to 2013. Will you be leasing equipment for your medical practice in the year ahead?

Direct Capital Facebook | Direct Capital Twitter | Direct Capital Newsletter

Photo credit to iStock

Source: http://blog.directcapital.com/business-insights/medical-equipment-leasing/

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রবিবার, ১৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Modest Andre Johnson Jersey Enterprise Loans: Qualification and ...

Posted by HugleOlaya on December 16, 2012 in Articles with No Comments

If you?re beginning a new enterprise, a modest company loan might help you get began by offering working capital to create a retailer, acquire inventory, or promote your business. But how does a modest company loan advantage you in genuine terms, and do you even qualify to get a loan

What?s a Tiny Enterprise Loan

By definition, a modest company loan is really a particular quantity of funds that is borrowed by an individual who desires to start or operate his or her personal company. It?s generally a type of personal loan given by lenders to small organization owners.

You?ll find many kinds of tiny Andre Johnson Jersey organization loans. Unsecured business loans are issued by a lender based on your credit alone with no any sort of collateral. Typically, you?ll need a high credit score along with a quite very good credit history at the same time as have a stable personal finance scenario.

There is certainly also business financing that could be according to collateral such as actual estate collateral, a car or property which is free and clear of debt, and so forth. Then, there is certainly a commercial true estate finance loan for which cash is granted for any commercial property that is certainly to be utilized for enterprise. There is also an enterprise line of credit, that is a fixed, predetermined amount of credit that an organization can borrow against as demands arise. The borrower will only be required to spend interest on the amount employed.

Benefits of Modest Enterprise Loans

Acquiring a small enterprise loan for the new organization can bring relief in several ways. It could provide you with working capital to help create your business, promote it, and keep inventory. It might also help together with the expenses of hiring workers if required at the start off. A small organization loan allows you to grow your new company without having the financial stresses of a new enterprise. Also, the interest on a tiny business loan is tax deductible.

Little Organization Loan Qualifications

After you comprehend how enterprise financing operates, you have to take into account whether or not or not you may qualify. It?s excellent to know this prior to you apply so that your credit background won?t show several credit checks and inquiries from lenders, which can lower your credit score for the future.

Initial, be certain your private credit background is in order. Learn your credit score by requesting a copy of your credit report. There are numerous on the internet resources obtainable to examine your personal credit history. Also, make certain your private bill and loan payment histories have already been Andre Johnson Jersey constant and on time over the previous two years or a lot more. Little company lenders are most likely to base your approval in your personal credit history, particularly in case you don?t provide collateral.

Subsequent, ask the lender directly about their company loan qualifications. This can get rid of any queries inside your thoughts ahead of applying.

Locating a Lender

Do some study to locate a tiny company lender that is appropriate for you personally. Verify around on-line for rates of interest, modest business loan plans and qualifications, and for flexibility. Some lenders will supply creative tiny business loan alternatives to operate together with your specific scenario. Some lenders make it straightforward to acquire approved even though other individuals make it almost impossible. Look J J Watt Jersey to get a lender which is easy to work with from the start. Ask about early pay-offs, lines of credit, versatile financing, guaranteed rates of interest, and any fees you may incur by employing their services.

Maintain these suggestions in mind as you search for modest organization finance options. You are going to be on the road to results in no time!

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