বৃহস্পতিবার, ৩ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

2012: The Most Influential People in Tech and Science

2012 is officially in the books! Even though the ?sky fell? we survived the end of the Mayan calendar, Congress passed a budget to avoid the fiscal cliff, and cloud computing is became less of a buzzword.

I wanted to take a moment and acknowledge some of the most influential people in technology and science and their impact on the world in 2012.

Vint Cerf


Site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vint_Cerf

He is called the Father of the Internet. The admiration and respect I have for Vint Cerf is beyond anything I can write. However, I just want to focus on a very small aspect of Mr. Cerf?s contribution in 2012. He was one of the key people that spoke out against Internet censorship. He made the masses understand the impact of the SOPA. There is no doubt SOPA probably had some good intentions (you had to look beyond the lobbyist agendas). There is also no doubt in my mind it would have fundamentally impacted and changed our society for the worse if it had passed. Thank you Vint Cerf, from all of us who use the Internet.

Felix Baumgartner

Wow! Talk about guts! When Felix Baumgartner jumped out of a helium balloon 24 miles above the ground being the first human to break the sound barrier without any engine power. He did it exactly 65 years after Chuck Yeager was the first man ever to break the sound barrier on October 14 1947. Check out the video below!

Large Hadron Collider team in Switzerland and the Higgs Boson particle

From the pages of the Guardian

Source: (http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2012/dec/20/top-scientific-discoveries-higgs-boson)

?The discovery of the Higgs boson by physicists using the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland was named breakthrough of the year by Science magazine.? It goes on to state, ?The discovery proves there is an energy field all around us that gives mass to the fundamental particles that make up our world.? The impact of this discovery may take a few years for people to understand, however, years from now I truly believe this will be marked as one of the watershed events that marked the next great journey of mankind.


The video below is a great explanation of the Boson Higgs:

Elon Musk

Holiday 2012

From the pages of the Guardian

Source: (http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2012/dec/20/top-scientific-discoveries-higgs-boson)

On 25 May 2012, SpaceX made history as the world?s first privately held company to send a cargo payload, carried on the Dragon spacecraft, to the International Space Station. Despite cutbacks in the space program, the complexities of the task, and enormous costs Elon is a lover of adventure, space, and adventure.

Published on space.com (spurce: http://www.space.com/14954-elon-musk-spacex-spaceflight-revolution.html)

In an interview that aired on CBS? ?60 Minutes? Sunday night (March 18), Musk, the founder and CEO of the California-based private spaceflight company SpaceX, opened up about his personal goal of helping humanity become a multi-planet species. And he said public criticism of commercial spaceflight by Armstrong and fellow former NASA astronaut Gene Cernan ? the first and last people ever to walk on the moon, respectively ? isn?t advancing that cause.

?What I?m trying to do is to make a significant difference in spaceflight, and help make spaceflight accessible to almost anyone,? Musk told interviewer Scott Pelley. ?And I would hope for as much support in that direction as we can receive.?

I can?t imagine the courage it must have taken Elon Musk to go forward with SpaceX, go against his childhood heroes, and reach for the stars.


See the full 60 minutes video interview:



Salman Khan


I was shocked to learn that many of my colleagues did not know about the Khan Academy. It has been an amazing resource and has made an impact on thousands of people. According to Forbes it is the largest school in the world with over 10 million students. Courses focus on math and science. There are lectures, exercises, and a large variety of content to learn. I love their iPhone and iPad apps which are an easy launch and allow me to spend my time in hopefully more productive ways then just playing games. I think you will reach the same conclusion I did when you spend time at the Khan Academy,? it?s fun!




Source: http://www.cloudcentrics.com/?p=2460

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