শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Common Blogging Mistakes and How to Correct Them - Web Design

If you have been blogging for a while without seeing any significant results, chances are you are doing something wrong. Once you discover any blogging mistakes and rectify them, your blog will skyrocket at a pace you have never imagined.

But how do you know whether you are making certain mistakes or not? Below are the signs that can help you determine that.

Four Signs of Blogging Mistakes

When you encounter any of the following problems in your blogging initiative, then you must change your approach.

1. Lack of comments from blog readers. This can be a sign that you are not giving them the type of content they need to solve their problems. Also, your articles may not be engaging enough.

2. Low or no traffic at all. It is difficult to drive traffic to a site or web page that lacks basic SEO tactics including on and off-page optimization and link building with anchor text variation.

3. Not ranking for any keyword in your niche. Without ensuring that relevant keywords are present within the content of a website, there is no way it can be ranked appropriately.

4. No knowledge about your blogging progress. Failure to install an analytics tool into a website will make it difficult to track its performance. In other words, you will not be able to know what is working and what is not. As a result, you are bound to repeat the mistakes that are hindering success and miss out on opportunities for advancement.

Common Blogging Mistakes and Their Possible Solutions

Below are common blogging errors and how you can correct them to achieve your goal.

Lack of Keyword Research

It is impossible to achieve any blogging goal without a keywords research plan. Keywords are very important in content writing, link building and website ranking on Google and other search engines.

Through keyword research, you will be able to find out what your target audience wants to know about your product or service and the search terms that they are most likely to use when seeking information about your topic.

Solution: Set aside time for proper keyword research and compile a list of relevant keywords pertaining to various topics you are covering on your blog.

Bad SEO Practice

Besides your blog, every piece of content you write must be optimized so that it can be easily found by your target audience. This is where proper SEO practices come in. If you fail to optimize your blog and its content, it will be difficult to for Google and other search engines to index them appropriately, and for your prospective clients to find the information.

Solution: Implement correct SEO practices on your blog by embedding primary keywords in it, building quality links within the blog and from good sources, and adding relevant keywords to every article that you publish.

Irrelevant Content

Publishing articles that are designed primarily to sell your product or service will scare prospective customers away from the blog. People are wary about the type of content they consume online when they are seeking information about a topic. If you don?t offer value to potential clients before pushing your product or service, they will leave your blog immediately and may never come back again.

Solution: Strive to create useful, helpful and informative articles that can help them better their lives or business on a consistent basis. It will help you establish a good relationship and trust with them, and consequently turn them into loyal customers.

On the internet, people judge a book by its cover. The same thing is true of a website or blog. The first thing that will drive people away from a website or blog is the design. A poor web design makes reading and navigation difficult and hinders credibility. This can repel potential clients in the blink of an eye.

Solution: Choose a professional looking theme for your blog; contact a savvy web design firm to help you build a professional blog theme with a beautiful interface.

No Editorial Calendar

Setting up a blog is one thing, but updating it on a regular basis is another situation that can make blogging challenging. Lack of planning and continual updating of a blog will keep readers away and will also affect its SEO.

Solution: Develop an editorial calendar that will help keep the blog updated regularly. With an editorial calendar, you will not have to worry about topic ideas to write about, and on what day. The benefit of having a calendar is that it can be updated on an ongoing basis and easily adjusted to fit your needs.

Lack of List Building

When potential clients land on your blog from any source, their chances of visiting again is very small. For this reason you must build a system that will help you stay in touch with them.

Solution: Building an email capturing system for collecting email addresses of prospective customers when they visit your site will help you stay in touch with them, and keep them updated about your blog.

Poor Writing

Any article with lots of grammatical errors and typos will drive readers away from your blog. Also, they will not take the information you produce seriously and will see you as an amateur in your industry. This will affect your credibility tremendously.

Solution: Practice good writing habits. Spend enough time on writing your articles to ensure that they are professional and informative. Step away from your article for a few hours or even days before publishing. You will be amazed at the number of errors that will show up. Edit and proofread content several times before hitting the publish button.

Without proper planning, blogging can be very challenging. To avoid any pitfalls in your blogging journey, put the above tips and advice into practice and you will be glad you did.

Contact us to find out how our web marketing company can help you develop and utilize a blog to increase online visibility in SERPs, enhance your credibility, and drive quality traffic to your website.

Source: http://www.ocularconcepts.us/blc/articles/common-blogging-mistakes-and-how-to-correct-them/

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Wiki Life: Windows 8 TechNet Wiki Widget - Ordering Organised Chaos


TechNet Wiki life?is "organised chaos"



Anyone can add anything they like, whenever they like, however they like!

However, many people don't include a?table of contents,?follow the style guidelines, understand how to use the Editor?or include the common tags

Some articles are pure advertising spam, some are outrageous plagiarisms,?some are?invaluable -?but disorganised.



There is a growing?army of TechNet friends getting noticed for their tireless work tidying other people's contributions.

They add tags, the [toc] marker, spellcheck, remove spam, format, comment, and translate the article into many other languages.

Most articles come with at least a set of tags that help to index the actual content, but there's often more you can add.

More and more articles are getting linked together, creating a true ecosystem of information for every subject imaginable.


The TechNet Wiki web site has done a great job of organising this flood of content into top level lists.

However, other than the My Pages?link, there is not much customisation to the delivery of the flood of content.


TechNet Wiki Widget?adds more order to this organised chaos

It is a Windows?8 app, in response to a recent call-to-arms by Peter Geelen.

I have begun documenting?the TechNet Wiki Widget?here,?plus I am very honoured to have recently been interviewed about it here.

My?hope is that,?as more of you pick up Windows 8 on your phone, slate, laptop or desktop, then you will join me?in shaping an app that is truly useful.

Currently, TWW collects the most useful RSS feeds and presents them to you.

Unlike a regular RSS reader, I am able to tailor the feed presentations?and promote?the different fields they use, those that are most relevant to the reader, for that feed.

For example, for "article updates", I want to link to the revision changes, not the revision itself.?It is the?highlighted differences?that show me how the article has changed.

The "article updates" feed only provides the actual revision article link. I take that revision number, and instead link the user to the awesomely useful?"version compare" feature of TechNet Wiki.

TWW also allows you to Tweet an article URL to your Twitter account. In this way, you can help us promote TNWiki articles to other networks.

These are some of the ways I hope to help you, in your wiki life.


And this is where YOU come in...

I?hope?to make this app genuinely useful to YOU?the people who regularly use TechNet.

What I need to understand is how you USE TechNet.


What kind of searches?you?make regularly?

What RSS feeds do you already subscribe to?

What sections do you browse?

Which stats are of most interest?


These and many other questions will help us all better define how best to organise and consume TechNet Wiki contributions.


I am building the TN Wiki Widget?for YOU, so feel free to let me know when you think of?a feature that would help you, in your wiki life.


Please post your ideas?and comments below,?or on the wiki article, or just in reply to future posts about updates.


Here's hoping Santa stuffs your stockings full of Windows 8 devices this Christmas!


Pete Laker (XAML Guy)
(Yes, I'm English, we spell organised with an 's' ;)



Source: http://blogs.technet.com/b/wikininjas/archive/2012/10/24/wiki-life-helping-bring-order-to-organised-chaos.aspx

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UN envoy says Syria truce agreed on for holiday

BEIRUT (AP) ? The U.N.-Arab League envoy to Syria said the government in Damascus and some rebel leaders have agreed to a temporary cease-fire during a four-day Muslim holiday that starts Friday.

The Syrian government, however, did not confirm Wednesday's announcement by Lakhdar Brahimi, saying only that it was still studying the envoy's proposal.

Brahimi told reporters in Cairo that President Bashar Assad's government has agreed to a truce for the Eid al-Adha holiday. Brahimi said Damascus will issue a statement on accepting the cease-fire later "today or tomorrow."

The announcement came as government forces intensified airstrikes on a rebel-held area near the besieged city of Aleppo. The fighting in Syria has killed more than 34,000 people since March last year, according to activists.

Brahimi did not elaborate on how the truce would be monitored. The envoy has met with Assad in Damascus on Sunday as part of his push for a cease-fire between rebels and government forces. He also held talks last week with opposition groups inside and outside Syria and earlier received "promises" but not a "commitment" from them to honor the cease-fire.

In Damascus, Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdessi stressed Wednesday that the cessation of military operations during Eid al-Adha is still "being studied" by the General Command of the Army and the Syrian armed forces, and that "the final position on this matter will be issued on Thursday."

Abdelbaset Sieda, the head of the Syrian National Council, the main opposition group in exile, told The Associated Press that he had little hope the truce would take hold. He said opposition fighters have told him they are willing to adhere to it, but will respond if attacked by regime forces.

"This regime, we don't trust it, because it is saying something and doing something else on the ground," Sieda said in a phone interview from Stockholm, Sweden.

Brahimi's proposal is far more modest than a six-point plan by his predecessor as Syrian envoy, former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan. A cease-fire was the centerpiece of Annan's proposal and was to lead to talks on a peaceful transition.

However, a truce never took hold and both sides violated their commitments, though Annan said at the time the regime was the main aggressor because it refused to withdraw troops and heavy weapons from population centers.

In Syria, regime warplanes struck the village of Mar Shureen near a strategic rebel-held town in the country's north Wednesday, killing five members of an extended family, activists said.

The village is located just outside the town of Maaret al-Numan, about a mile (1.5 kilometer) from a Syrian military camp that troops and rebels have been fighting over for several days.

Rami Abdul-Rahman, the director of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told The AP that government aircraft hit the village in the morning hours. The dead include a father and his two sons, aged 10 and 24, as well as a two other relatives, a woman and a young man, Abdul-Rahman said. His group relies on reports from a network of activists on the ground.

Opposition fighters seized Maaret al-Numan, which lies along the main highway between Aleppo and Damascus, earlier this month, disrupting the ability of Assad's army to send supplies and reinforcements to the northwest where troops are bogged down in a stalemate with the rebels in Aleppo, Syria's largest city.

At least 10 people were killed and 13 were injured when an artillery shell landed near a bakery in Aleppo, Abdul-Rahman said.

Amateur video posted Tuesday showed stacks of pita bread on shelves, soaked in blood, and human remains scattered on the floor. Residents are also seen carrying injured people, some missing limbs, out of a shop that appears to be a bakery, loading them into civilian cars as a man shouts: "May God punish you, Bashar ... He is bombing the people at the bakery. "

Syria restricts access to foreign reporters and the authenticity of the video could not be independently confirmed.


Associated Press writers Maggie Fick in Cairo, Karin Laub in Beirut and Albert Aji in Damascus contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/un-envoy-says-syria-truce-agreed-holiday-120000163.html

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Melbourne Festival ? Square Poets | B's Travel Blog

I arrived right in the middle of the Melbourne Festival, which runs from the 11th ? 27th of October with Theatre, Music, Dance, Film and Visual Art events all over the city. Since I just found out about it the other day I went to check out the first free event I read about in Fed Square called Square Poets. It was a nice day and I arrived just past noon to stake out a good seat in the wide open square on one of the few ledges facing the stage.

As 1pm approached the crowd slowly grew to about 10-15 people with a vast open area space in front of the stage. Not ideal for a poetry show but as they started more people were drawn in to the space and soon there was about 30 people sitting around for some lunch time poetry as part of the festival.

Fed Square Poets

Alia Gabres at Square Poets in Fed Square

The host, Luke Wright, from Essex started off the show with some good pieces before introducing the local artists. Since poetry is an art form I won?t pass judgement on each person but I can say I enjoyed some more then others.

For me it was interesting to see some threads that are universal since I?ve only experienced poetry slams in Austin, Texas and Vancouver my frame of reference for poetry is quite small but also I enjoy listening to the more local topics that were raised.

The last local artist, Jacky T, was my favourite and while one of his poems was local it still have universal themes that would apply to many of the cities I visited throughout North America over the past year. I found this version of it on YouTube from a different performance.

All in all it was an enjoyable hour of free entertainment that exemplifies the arts and culture in a large metropolitan city that I love, the reason I don?t know if I could ever live in a small town in my life. I love the life that flows through the veins of cities, the interesting sparks of creativity that stem from a small splash of land cohabited by a diverse bunch.


Source: http://bstravel.ca/travel/adventures-from-the-road/melbourne-festival-square-poets/

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বুধবার, ২৪ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Experts: 3 Common Investor Mistakes All Retail and 401k Investors ...

(The following is the second in a five-part series of articles devoted to helping fiduciaries, especially individual trustees and ERISA plan sponsors, best align investment goals with beneficiaries? needs.)

When we put out a question to our network of financial professionals, we usually get enough more than enough responses to fill our needs. When we put out this particular question, we couldn?t believe the amount of messages in our e-mail inbox. In fact, we received so many thoughts, ideas and opinions from so many professionals, it?s impossible to use all the answers. To do so would produce an article whose length would rival a novella. Despite this volume, we analyzed the answers and categorized them into three general categories. These represent the three most common investor mistakes all investors should avoid. And when we say all investors, that includes both the average investor as well as individual trustees and ERISA plan sponsors.

Common Mistake #1: Trying to ?beat? the Market ? or trying to ?beat? anything, for that matter. Conservative investors refer to this mockingly as the ?horse race mentality.? Let?s confront this most common mistake made by investors: John Graves, editor at The Retirement Journal in Ventura, California and author of The 7% Solution, says, ?Chasing performance is a mistake [because] a. You are too late to the game, [and] b. The last one at the dance is the first to go home.? Robert W. Kowaleski of Professional Wealth Management in Hauppauge, New York likens chasing performance to ?a dog Chasing its tail. How far did the dog get when it was done and did it ever catch its tail??

Rarely, if ever, will a trust document or investment policy statement demand the trustee or fiduciary ?beat? the market. Trustors create trusts and lawyers draft trust documents solely for the benefit of named beneficiaries. While it may be advantageous to have an investment portfolio which ?beats? the market, and many trusts do have investment portfolios which ?beat? the market, this represents the result of a sound investment discipline and not the result of any specific dictate.

Why do investors commit this ever popular common mistake? Robert L. Riedl, Director of Wealth Management at Sumnicht & Associates, LLC in Appleton, Wisconsin, believes ?They have no plans, no financial objectives and lack independent professional advice. Thus, they don?t know what they don?t know and that increases their opportunity to make random decisions that will increase their risks and opportunity to fail.?

Indeed, goals should be tied to something more tangible, such as paying a set amount in expenses, making specific purchases (for example, buying a car or a house), paying college tuition or living a comfortable retirement to name just a few. ?Many investors do not define the purpose of their accounts,? says Damian Rothermel of Rothermel Financial Services in Portland, Oregon.

The true goal, then, represents the lifetime goals or dreams of the beneficiary (or investor). These may be specifically defined in the trust document or, more likely, require an interview with the beneficiary (or investor) to fully determine the goals and nature of the portfolio?s investment policy statement. In the latter case, such interviews need to be conducted on a periodic basis and certainly after any major life event (marriage, birth of a child, etc?) to insure the goals and dreams have not changed significantly. ?It doesn?t happen too often that people ?accidentally? save too much,? says Hilary Martin, a financial advisor for The Family Wealth Consulting Group in San Jose, California. ?It?s important,? continues Martin, ?to know your own cash flow requirements and plan for increased expenses for things like travel and health care.?

To summarize this common mistake, the individual trustee, retirement plan fiduciary, or regular investor cannot treat investing like an athletic contest. Targeting arbitrary hurdles quickly leads to undisciplined and, in the end, unproductive, investment management. Why? It is extremely unlikely that any conservative, long term investment portfolio can ?beat? any arbitrary index during every single time period (thus is the nature of ?risk.?) Should the individual trustee, fiduciary or investor blindly focus on ?beating? the market, he is merely chasing performance. This easily degrades into excessive investment adviser turnover as the investor is always firing the existing adviser (or mutual fund) to hire last year?s best performer. Alas, this kind of activity results in something similar to buying high and selling low; thus, the investment performance of the portfolio suffers considerably.

Common Mistake #2: Trying to ?play it safe.? This second common mistake represents the opposite extreme of our first common mistake. Although it?s been most apparent today, particularly among younger investors still in shock from the market debacle in 2008-2009, this mistake has been with us for quite some time, particularly in the 401k investment arena. Indeed, Congress passed the 2006 Pension Protection Act in part to address the need to encourage 401k investors to place a greater portion of their retirement assets into long-term investments (and thus begat target date funds).

?Being so conservative and leaving 100% of investible assets in cash or in a shoe box is a mistake,? says Kevin Cahill of Canadian Legacy Builder in Guelph, Ontario. Cahill?s comment may appear as hyperbole, but it gets to the root of the problem of ?playing it safe.? David Houle, co-founder and portfolio manager at Season Investments in Colorado Springs says, ?investing too conservatively can be a mistake that results in lost opportunity and not meeting your long-term objectives. Most people who are investing too conservatively are doing so out of fear which is a dysfunctional emotion to let drive investment decisions.?

Martin explains further, ?even in the long run, the expected return of bonds is something like 2-3% real. If the average investor retires at age 65, and has a life expectancy of 92 years, how are you going to provide for inflation-proof income for 27 years with a 2.5% return on half of your portfolio? I believe that is a sure-fire recipe for having too much time left at the end of your money.?

And while some investors do have the luxury to play it safe, there is clearly one segment that doesn?t. Elle Kaplan, CEO of Lexion Capital Management in New York City says, ?Investing too conservatively is only a mistake if your accounts have a long time horizon and you can benefit from compounding. Younger investors

that won?t be touching their account for years can take on more risk.?

In summary, as Tony Fiorillo, President/CEO of Asset Management Strategies, Inc. in Indianapolis, says, ?Long term returns are better with equities (stocks) than with fixed income (bonds) and bonds can have as high a level of risk. Especially when dollar cost averaging into your 401k, and if you have years to go to retirement, you should lean heavily on the stocks in your allocation.?

Common Mistake #3: Trying to ?time? the Market ? or trying to time any financial asset. A related common mistake entails attempting to ?time? the market. The industry defines market timing as shifting your money from one asset class to another. To work, you would have to correctly guess which asset class would have the best short-term performance and invest accordingly. Through the years, many investment ?gurus? have purported to have developed a ?fool-proof? method for market timing. There remains no convincing evidence that market timing works. Indeed, there is ample evidence suggesting the investor pays a steep penalty for incorrectly guessing when to shift from one asset class to another.

?Many studies show that the performance of the average investor is well below that of the markets,? says Mitchell E. Kauffman, an independent Certified Financial Planner with offices in Pasadena and Santa Barbara.? Kauffman points to one such study by Dalbar that concludes ?the cost of market timing for the past 20 years is about 4% per year on average,? and adds that ?during volatile times that shortfall nearly doubled to 7% for market timers.? For all the talk of fees, no aggregation of fees approaches this cost of market timing.

In a very real sense, the mistake of market timing derives from our first two mistakes. It starts with believing the tree will grow to the sky and investors searching for ways to beat the market. Then, when the bubble pops, investors decide (usually incorrectly) it?s now a good time to play it safe. Here?s a real world example provided to FiduciaryNews.com readers by Craig Lemoine, Assistant Professor of Financial Planning at The American College in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. He tells us, ?In 2006 and 2007 Chinese markets doubled in value, became plastered over media outlets and discussed. I sat across from a mutual fund wholesaler who explained that the share value of the Emerging Market equity fund he was selling had increased by 200% over the past two years and that the sky was the limit. From 2007 to 2012 the same fund has experienced a -1.73% annual return. Buying after the initial growth or expansion phase will lead to a decrease in overall performance.?

Yet, for all the academic studies that provide solid proof of the folly of market timing, why do people continue to believe it works? Kauffman says ?People over estimate their abilities and the simplicity of timing prompts grandiosity and excessive risk taking.? This, in part, explains why they overreact when market timing fails and why they suffer unfortunate consequences. ?When investors are invested too aggressively,? says Alan Moore, founder of Serenity Financial Consulting in Milwaukee Wisconsin, ?it means they can?t psychologically handle the swings in the market. This means that when the market dips, the investor will sell out of fear. This leads to locking in losses, and is a great way to wreck a retirement plan. There is a danger of being way too conservative, because the investor will not get growth in their portfolio. For most investors, they need growth in their portfolio over time in order to meet their investment goals. Being too conservative in their investments runs the risk of delaying retirement or forcing additional savings later in life.?

Another symptom of this common mistake involves trying to make a lot of money quickly. This is also related to the first common mistake. This mistake, however, can have far greater consequences. The words most associated with trying to make a lot of money quickly are ?speculation? and ?gambling.? Conservative investors know making a lot of money quickly requires luck more than skill. It?s not impossible, but entails a lot of risk ? too much risk for the prudent investor.

Jason Hull of Hull Financial Planning in Dallas/Fort Worth asks, ?How many people bought Facebook shares just because they knew Facebook? Furthermore, how many of them invested a disproportionately large amount of money into Facebook because they ?knew? it was going to go to the moon? When we take a big risk in investing a lot of our investable assets into one investment, then we live or die by that investment. Instead, we should look at diversifying our investments so that one bad investment doesn?t ruin our investment portfolio.?

Of course, the mailbox is full of plenty of examples of money managers who claim to have doubled or tripled their investment portfolio in two or three years. We expose the folly of these direct mail pieces by gently reminding the reader that every week across our country several people win million dollar lotteries with a single one-dollar ticket. As an individual trustee or retirement plan fiduciary, would you bet your trust?s entire investment portfolio on a single lottery ticket?

Still not convinced? Let?s give our direct mail money managers the benefit of the doubt. Let?s say their past record of lottery-like investment performance is true and accurate. We hope the reader will pause and consider how many of those weekly million dollar lottery winners win another million dollars the following week? The following year? For the remainder of their life?

For all these warnings though, it is the ease of access to ?information? that most vexes investors. ?The biggest mistake people make, in my opinion, is paying too much attention to all the ?noise? in the media (present company excluded, of course!),? says (graciously) Christopher Kimball, whose firm Christopher Kimball Financial Services is located in Lakewood, Washington. Kimball adds ?Bad news sells; panic gets people?s attention. That?s why newscasters so often play chicken little and claim the investment sky is falling. Fixating on all the panicky commentators not only can result in high blood pressure, but bad investment decisions, too. Everyone knows the stock market goes up and down ? it?s one of the fundamental laws of investing! As a friend of mine says, however, ?The only people who get hurt on a roller-coaster ride are the ones who jump off.? People have got to learn to remain calm and not listen to the doomsday sayers, whether it be on television, radio, or in print.?

If we could condense all three of these common investing mistakes into one word, that word would be ?emotion.?

?People tend to react instead of plan,? says Douglas L. Nelson of TCI Wealth Advisors, Inc. in Santa Fe, New Mexico. ?They buy when prices are going up and sell when they are going down. Fear and greed drive them. They think they know where the markets are going tomorrow and react instead of sticking to their plan. If anyone knows where markets are going tomorrow they will not tell us and would be wealthy beyond imagination.?

Everyone makes mistakes. There should be no fear in admitting when one makes a mistake. Mistakes aren?t always bad. Mistakes offer an excellent opportunity for us to learn. Mistakes can often lead to our greatest discoveries (see ?Christopher Columbus?). In the end, though, we can accrue these very same benefits by watching ? and understanding ? the mistakes of others.

The three most common investor mistakes other investors have committed have been listed here.

Don?t make them.

We?ll now move from the arena of mistakes to reveal A Better Way.

Part I: The Easiest Way to Reduce Personal Fiduciary Liability for Plan Sponsors and Other Non-Professional Trustees
Part II: Experts: 3 Common Investor Mistakes All Retail and 401k Investors Should Avoid
Part III: A Better Way
Part IV: Specific Real Life Examples
Part V:Putting It All Together

Interested in learning more about this and other important topics confronting 401k fiduciaries? Explore Mr. Carosa?s book 401(k) Fiduciary Solutions and discover how to solve those hidden traps that often pop up in 401k plans.

Source: http://fiduciarynews.com/2012/10/experts-3-common-investor-mistakes-all-retail-and-401k-investors-should-avoid/

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Cantor Gaming Exec Arrested In Pinnacle ... - Online Gambling News

Steven Stradbrooke
October 24, 2012
No Comments

cantor-gaming-pinnacle-sports-arrestsRumors swirled Wednesday morning that US law enforcement agents were preparing to pounce on a major sportsbetting business with operations both inside and outside the United States, and online sportsbetting fixture Pinnacle Sports? name was bandied about as a likely target. Later in the day, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that Mike Colbert, Cantor Gaming?s sportsbook director and manager of the M Resort race and sportsbook had been arrested in Las Vegas on a warrant filed by the District Attorney?s office in Queens County, New York. Colbert is facing eight charges of conspiracy, money laundering and enterprise corruption.

Seven other related arrests were made in Las Vegas on Wednesday. The LVR-J?s sources claimed agents reportedly operating within the US on behalf of Pinnacle were also arrested in several cities. The New York DA?s office is expected to reveal more regarding the arrests on Thursday morning. Pinnacle Sports abruptly withdrew its services from the US market shortly before the Patriots-Giants Super Bowl in 2007, but Wednesday?s arrests suggest the firm had maintained some kind of credit-betting activity within the States. In highly ironic timing, Las Vegas-based brick-and-mortar casino outfit Pinnacle Entertainment chose today to release its Q3 earnings report. D?oh?

Adding an extra dose of irony, Colbert was interviewed by SportingNews.com just last week regarding New Jersey?s chances in its legal fight with the major sports leagues over the state?s sports betting plans. Regarding the leagues? claim that sports betting damages the integrity of their games, Colbert called it ?a complete fa?ade ? If you?re in the business and know what?s going on, you know that if there is ever anything close to something shady that we will be the ones that are able to point it out.? Colbert?s assertion that Cantor Gaming ?will explore any and all opportunities in the race and sports business? will likely cause massive eye-rolling down at Cantor HQ. For the record, there is no indication that Cantor Gaming is in any way connected with Colbert?s arrest.

It might not be related, but around the same time Colbert was arrested, Baltimore County Police conducted raids on 10 internet caf?/sweepstakes businesses. While these raids might not appear to have any connection to Pinnacle or even to sports betting, the local police issued a statement that revealed it had conducted the raids in conjunction with the US Attorney?s office (which was responsible for the Blue Monday sportsbook indictments) and two federal agencies ? Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security ? after what the police referred to as a year-long investigation. Traditionally, these types of internet caf? busts don?t require more than the involvement of the local Barney Fife, so while it?s unlikely, there could be more to this than meets the eye. No arrests were made during the raids, but police are examining the evidence seized.

If you have any further information related to this story that you would like to share with us privately please click here.

Can't get enough CalvinAyre.com? Follow us on Twitter and Facebook, then you'll never miss out on the latest gaming industry news.

Views and opinions expressed are those of the Author and do not necessarily reflect those of CalvinAyre.com

Source: http://calvinayre.com/2012/10/24/legal/cantor-gaming-sportsbook-director-arrested-in-sweep-targeting-pinnacle-sports/

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MONEY? News ? Business Marketing Association Southern ...

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 22, 2012

Business Marketing Association, Southern California (SoCal BMA), announces its next executive event, slated for San Diego, California on October 30, 2012, at The Grand Del Mar Resort, when a panel of leading San Diego news media professionals will discuss the increasing role and impact of social media on public relations.

Social media has dramatically changed today?s newsroom in terms of how the media disseminates stories as well as identifies newsworthy topics for stories. Because reporters are utilizing social media platforms to develop topics, it has become an increasingly important aspect of a company?s overall public relations strategy.

Camille Saltman, President and board member of CONNECT, will moderate the panel:

  • ????Reo Carr, Corporate Vice President of Digital Media, California Business Journals, and Editor-in-Chief of the San Diego Business Journal
  • ????Diana McCabe, Business Editor, U-T San Diego (formerly known as San Diego Union-Tribune)
  • ????Rich Goldner, News Director, Fox5 TV San Diego
  • ????Scott Lewis, Chief Executive Officer, Voice of San Diego

Those who attend this event will:

  • ????Understand how social media has impacted the newsroom
  • ????Gain insights to appropriate methods for pitching and engaging the news media via social channels
  • ????Learn tips for increasing the efficiency of PR using social media

Guests are invited to attend this SoCal BMA event and informative discussion. The late afternoon program will allow for a relaxed setting to first hear from our panel of esteemed San Diego news professionals, followed by an early evening outdoor wine and hors d'oeuvres reception.

What ? ?Media and Merlot: A Meet the Media Event?

Where ? The Grand Del Mar Resort at 5300 Grand Del Mar Court ? San Diego, CA 92130

When ? Tuesday, October 30, 2012 ? Check In 3:30, Program and Reception 4p-7p

Cost ? $50 guests ($30 SoCal BMA members)

How ? Learn more and register at http://www.SoCalBMA.org/Events

About SoCal BMA (Business Marketing Association, Southern California)
SoCal BMA focuses on topics and issues relevant to b2b marketers, communicators, and business leaders ? including the chapter?s signature online event series, Webinar Wednesdays, where marketers from any location can participate. Celebrating its 90th anniversary, the Business Marketing Association is the world's premier community devoted exclusively to advancing the business-to-business marketing profession, connecting members with the kind of knowledge, people, and programs that make achieving their b-to-b company objectives more efficient and effective. The SoCal BMA serves the southland throughout the greater Los Angeles area, Orange County, San Diego and the Inland Empire. Learn more about SoCal BMA and its events by visiting http://www.SoCalBMA.org. Follow http://www.Twitter.com/SoCalBMA.

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/10/prweb10044747.htm

Source: http://money.ca/money/2012/10/22/business-marketing-association-southern-california-features-prominent-san-diego-news-media-professionals-at-media-and-merlot-a-meet-the-media-event/

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Obviously, the human race has managed to survive and flourish, so blackhawk tactical I think it's a good idea to look at what our forefathers did to survive harsh times. I don't think that really counts as a hobby. / My number one focus legacy police gear is growing my own food. The only person you can count on is yourself, if you molle gear ask me.

Root cellars were the original basements.

Most Recent from the Reference and Education:Survival and Emergency Category. By using the natural landscape available to us, we can basically build an underground storage facility, tactical holster which can, once completed, blend right back into the landscape and be very hard to detect. Depending on how much time and energy you have, you can build a very large undergound cellar, with rooms, shelving, stun gun good ventilation, etc. And as previously stated, it can be used as a place to live during the initial stages of any kind of crisis just make sure you have warm clothes and blankets, as an underground root cellar can get really cold. The government is trying to "help" us all with GMOs and welfare, but it's all a crock.

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Source: http://www.sdmommies.com/blog/9216/kevlar-vest-assault-gear/

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Fungal meningitis clues may predict who's sick

??Some 14,000 patients who received tainted pain shots tied to a growing outbreak of fungal meningitis soon could have better clues about whether they?re likely to get sick, health officials said. The outbreak has caused 297 infections and 23 deaths in 16 states.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/vp/49509696#49509696

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Top 10 Items that Should Be Listed in an IEP | Special Education ...

Top 10 Items that Should Be Listed in an IEP | Special Education & IEP Advisor

Top 10 Items that Should Be Listed in an IEP | Special Education & IEP Advisor.
We all know how important it is to have an IEP that addresses our child?s Academic, Developmental and Functional needs; to ensure they are appropriately prepared for an independent future.? Therefore, as parents, we have to make sure our child?s IEP includes the necessary information to prepare them for life after high school.? The results of your child?s most recent assessments, report cards, state tests, school personnel and parent input will assist the team in developing an appropriate IEP.

Source: http://lizditz.typepad.com/academic_remediation/2012/10/top-10-items-that-should-be-listed-in-an-iep-special-education-iep-advisor.html

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China's new leaders face tough economic choices

FILE - In this Aug. 30, 2012 file photo, Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Beijing. China's economic model that delivered three decades of double-digit growth is running out of steam and the country's next leaders face tough choices to keep incomes rising. Li is the man in line to lead reforms as the next premier, China's top economic official. (AP Photo/How Hwee Young, Pool, File)

FILE - In this Aug. 30, 2012 file photo, Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Beijing. China's economic model that delivered three decades of double-digit growth is running out of steam and the country's next leaders face tough choices to keep incomes rising. Li is the man in line to lead reforms as the next premier, China's top economic official. (AP Photo/How Hwee Young, Pool, File)

(AP) ? China's economic model that delivered three decades of double-digit growth is running out of steam and the country's next leaders face tough choices to keep incomes rising. But they don't seem to have ambitious solutions. Even if they do, they will need to tackle entrenched interests with backing high in the Communist Party.

The cost of inaction could be high. The World Bank says without change, annual growth could sink to 5 percent by 2015 ? dangerously low by Chinese standards. Some private sector analysts give even gloomier warnings.

The government's own advisers say it needs to promote service industries and consumer spending, shifting away from reliance on exports and investment. That will require opening more industries to entrepreneurs and forcing cosseted state companies to compete. State banks would have to lend more to private business that is starved for credit.

The ruling party's latest five-year development plan promises reforms in broad terms. Premier Wen Jiabao apologized at a news conference in March for not moving fast enough and vowed quicker action. But many changes could face opposition from China's most influential factions ? state companies, their allies in the party, bureaucrats and local leaders.

"If the challenge is, can they do radical reform all at once, we know that won't happen because these leaders aren't powerful enough," said Scott Kennedy, director of Indiana University's Research Center for Chinese Politics & Business in Beijing. "They are facing interests which wouldn't possibly allow that to occur."

Also at issue is how much Communist Party leaders are willing to cut back state industry that provides jobs and money to underpin the party's monopoly on power.

Li Keqiang is the man in line to lead reforms as the next premier, China's top economic official. Now a vice premier, Li is seen as a political insider with an easygoing style, not a hard-driving reformer. Along with the rest of the party's Standing Committee, the ruling inner circle due to be installed in November, Li will govern by consensus, which could blunt their force.

"They are under pressure to change the economy, but they will not demolish party control," said Mao Yushi, an 83-year-old economist who is one of China's most prominent reform advocates. He co-founded the Unirule Institute of Economics, an independent think tank in Beijing.

Li showed his political skills but little zeal for reform as governor and later party secretary of populous Henan province in 1998-2004.

His time there coincided with several fatal fires ? including a Christmas Day blaze at a nightclub in 2000 that killed 309 people ? and efforts by local officials to suppress information about the spread of AIDS by a blood-buying industry. Other officials were punished for the fires but Li emerged unscathed and rose to national office.

"Li was known for not acting very aggressively in Henan, to put it charitably," said Dali Yang, a University of Chicago political scientist.

The man in line to become Communist Party leader and China's president, Xi Jinping, has a similar reputation for successful inaction.

In the 1990s, he served as party secretary of Zhejiang province, a thriving center for private business south of Shanghai, and won praise from observers including former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who dealt with him as an investment banker. They lauded him not for spearheading change but for not tampering with Zhejiang's free-market success.

The next leadership will inherit one of the world's strongest economies but one in which advocates say reform is stalled.

Many observers trace the past decade of double-digit growth to changes forced through by former Premier Zhu Rongji, who overcame resistance from companies and party factions to slash the size of state industry in the late 1990s. He led Beijing into the free-trading World Trade Organization, driving a jump in trade growth that propelled China past Germany in 2009 as the world's biggest exporter.

After Zhu retired in 2002, leaders reaped the financial benefits but focused on other areas: reforms of the legal system and trying to close a yawning gap between rich and poor with more spending on health and other social services.

They built up state-owned "national champions" in industries from oil and telecoms to steel and banking with monopolies, low-cost bank loans and other favors. Beijing's huge stimulus after the 2008 global crisis flowed through state companies, increasing their dominance while entrepreneurs who generate China's new jobs and wealth struggled.

The government defends the privileges given to its oil, telecoms and other major companies as necessary for building up Chinese global competitors. But entrepreneurs complain those companies abuse their control over essential resources such as energy, phone service and bank loans to gouge customers and pay their managers inflated salaries while stifling job-creating private businesses.

In a report last year, Mao's institute calculated the biggest state companies consumed trillions of yuan (hundreds of billions of dollars) in subsidies over the previous decade. It said they are so inefficient that their return on equity ? a broad measure of profitability ? was an average loss of 6 percent a year.

Wen Jia, a manager for the privately owned Traveling Bestone travel agency in the western province of Chengdu, said her company struggles to compete in an industry that is hemmed in by state companies.

"The attractions belong to the state. So do some of the good hotels. The insurance, airlines and train tickets are the same," said Wen. "State-owned travel agencies get prices 10 percent lower than we do on attractions and state-owned hotels."

The abrupt economic slowdown that began last year has heightened frustration among entrepreneurs and the public. Growth fell to 7.4 percent in the latest quarter, its lowest level since early 2009 and barely half of 2007's explosive 14.2 percent.

"''The criticism is about how the distortions are not just benefiting those vested interests but also that they reduce the efficiency of the economy," said Yang. "The pressures in the economy paradoxically provide them with more of a mandate for doing things because they have to do things."

The World Bank and a Cabinet think tank, the Development Research Center, offered an ambitious roadmap for reform with a report in March that called for scaling back state industry and opening markets to private and foreign competitors. It warned that without change, China might be trapped at its current middle-income levels.

"The difference that reforms can make is the difference between a 6 to 7 percent growth pace and no growth at all," said Societe General economist Wei Yao in a report.

Supporters of reform were encouraged by the fact that both current Premier Wen Jiabao and Li, his likely successor, supported the research that went into the World Bank report. They were disappointed when Li failed to endorse its recommendations, though he might have remained silent to avoid stirring up opposition ahead of the leadership transition.

Changes to state industry will be politically sensitive. Companies that oppose giving up monopolies and other favors can argue that they provide tax revenue, provide money to develop poor ethnic minority areas and pay for ambitious but unprofitable initiatives such as developing homegrown mobile phone technology.

Bosses of the biggest companies are appointed by the party and are politically influential. Some will take part in the November party congress to install the next leadership. Their companies also create a cadre of well-paid executives and other professionals who form a base of support for continued one-party rule.

"State-owned enterprise bosses are very powerful. They outrank the people who are supposed to regulate them," said James McGregor, an American businessman in Beijing and author of the new book "No Ancient Wisdom, No Followers: The Challenges of Chinese Authoritarian Capitalism."

"That's going to be a very hard thing to break. But the countervailing pressure is that growth can't keep going unless they loosen up," McGregor said. "The party's only credibility is making life better, and if that doesn't happen, how do you maintain stability?"


AP researcher Fu Ting in Shanghai contributed.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-10-21-China-Politics-Tough%20Choices/id-541231acecfd4d78a99c6d02d10ebc80

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রবিবার, ২১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Pesticides put bumblebee colonies at risk of failure

OSLO | Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:41pm EDT

OSLO (Reuters) - Pesticides used in farming are also killing worker bumblebees and damaging their ability to gather food, meaning colonies that are vital for plant pollination are more likely to fail when they are used, a study showed on Sunday.

The United Nations has estimated that a third of all plant-based foods eaten by people depend on bee pollination and scientists have been baffled by plummeting numbers of bees, mainly in North America and Europe, in recent years.

British scientists said they exposed colonies of 40 bumblebees, which are bigger than the more common honeybee, to the pesticides neonicotinoid and pyrethroid over four weeks at levels similar to those in fields.

Neonicotinoids are nicotine-like chemicals used to protect various crops from locusts, aphids and other pests.

"Chronic exposure ... impairs natural foraging behavior and increases worker mortality, leading to significant reductions in brood development and colony success," the scientists wrote in the report in the journal Nature on Sunday.

Exposure to a combination of the two pesticides "increases the propensity of colonies to fail", according to the researchers at Royal Holloway, University of London.

A 2011 U.N. report estimated that bees and other pollinators such as butterflies, beetles or birds do work worth 153 billion euros ($200 billion) a year to the human economy and are in decline in many nations.

The findings underscored the importance of wider testing of pesticides to ensure they do not also target bees, it said.

France banned a neonicotinoid pesticide made by Swiss agrochemicals group Syngenta in June, citing evidence of a threat to the country's bees. A report last month, however, said that the original research was flawed.

"My guess is that the decline of bees is like a jigsaw -there are probably a lot of pieces to put into place. This is probably a very important piece of that jigsaw," lead author Richard Gill told Reuters of the findings about pesticides.


In a separate commentary in Nature, Juliet Osborne of the University of Exeter in England said the study underscored the need to understand all factors that may contribute to harm bees and to "Colony Collapse Disorder".

"For example, we have as yet no convincing demonstration of the relative effects of pesticides on bee colonies compared to the effects of parasites, pathogens and foraging resources," she wrote.

Gill endorsed recommendations by the European Food Safety Authority for longer testing on adult bees and larvae, new ways of assessing cumulative exposure to toxins and separate assessments for different bee species.

He said previous studies had mostly examined the impact of pesticides on individual bees, rather than colonies. Bumblebees form colonies of a few dozen bees, while honeybees can number up to tens of thousands.

"Effects at the individual level can have a major knock-on effect at the colony level. That's the novelty of the study," he said.

The average number of bees lost in the experiment - both dead in the nesting box and failing to return - was about two-thirds of the total for bees exposed to a combination of the two pesticides against a third for a control, exposed to neither.

Bumblebees exposed to a combination of pesticides were about half as successful at gathering pollen, used as food, compared to a control. They also devoted more workers to collecting food, meaning fewer were raising larvae.

Other experts said more research was needed. "It certainly wouldn't be fair to say that this research spells doom for wild bees," said James Cresswell of the University of Exeter.

(Editing by Alison Williams)

Source: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/scienceNews/~3/sx1OhWAedco/us-bees-idUSBRE89K0CP20121021

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How to Measure Awareness Advertising | Business 2 Community

If customers don?t know you exist your chances of attracting them are the same as trying to teach an elephant to tap dance.

This is the first rule in marketing ? make sure your potential customers are aware of who you are, what you stand for and how you can help solve their problems.

However it is much easier said than done. These days the media choices can be overwhelming, check out the image below that identifies the different social media options alone!

Social Media Map from Brian Solis and JESS3Source: Brian Solis and JESS3 http://www.theconversationprism.com/

Add to this social media mix, the traditional media ? TV, print, radio and billboards and you have some difficult decisions to make.

Where should I invest to generate maximum awareness for minimum cost? and How will I know whether these investments are paying off?

Deciphering the impact of advertising is notoriously difficult, there is a classic saying in advertising circles attributed to the father of advertising, John Wanamaker who said:

?Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don?t know which half.?

Awareness advertising is designed to widen the pool of potential customers and remind them of how you can help them. The goal is to position a company?s brand favorably and regularly in the customer?s mind.

The measurement challenge comes from the fact that it is not necessarily designed to elicit an immediate response. Regardless there are a few ways you can get a handle on the impact of this type of advertising:

1. Prospect Surveys Before and After Comparisons

This technique involves establishing a baseline and then comparing results against that baseline over time.

For example, a simple survey may highlight that 10% of prospects have heard of your brand and 15% may consider you as a potential supplier of the product. The consideration metric is an important one to include as we are not interested in awareness alone. We really want to know whether we are in the ?evoked set? ? the top 2 or 3 brands customers have as top of mind for any particular product category.

Asking these questions again in 3 months may reveal that now 25% of prospects have heard of your brand and 30% of them would consider you as a potential provider.

You can reasonably conclude that your advertising activities were a significant driver responsible for the increase.

2. Asking Customers at their Point of Inquiry

Many companies will ask a new customer how they heard of the company or product. This is a great technique for companies that get a lot of inbound calls, a quick question can be asked at the end of the call to which most customers are happy to respond.

To go a little deeper a survey can be conducted asking customers which specific media they remember seeing. Their answers won?t tell you whether the activity influenced their purchase, but it will tell you which of your awareness advertising activities are being noticed.

To understand the advertising?s influence, we can design questions to elicit feedback on the messages sent.

For example ?which of the following ads have you seen?, which haven?t you seen?, rank each on a scale of 1 to 5 on whether it appealed to you or not.

Next total up the answers from all survey takers to give you a clear picture of how people perceive your advertising.

NOTE: Where ever possible please do some of this in pre-testing to make sure you are eliciting the response you want!

Author: Christopher Brown???? Christopher Brown on the Web

Chris Brown is the CEO of MarketCulture Strategies, the global leader in assessing the market-centricity of an organization and its degree of focus on customers, competitors and environmental conditions that impact business performance. MCS works closely with the C-Suite and other consulting groups to focus and adjust corporate vision and? View?full?profile

Source: http://www.business2community.com/strategy/how-to-measure-awareness-advertising-0311772

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Bombs in market kill 11 near Shiite shrine in Iraq

BAGHDAD (AP) ? Back-to-back bomb blasts in a crowded Baghdad market near a revered Shiite shrine killed at least 11 people Saturday, officials said, shattering days of relative calm in the Iraqi capital.

The bombings, which happened within about a minute of each other, appeared aimed at intimidating Iraq's Shiites, who are a frequent target of Sunni insurgents.

The blasts struck about 500 meters (yards) from a shrine where two revered imams are buried, damaging nearby shops and buildings, according to police, who confirmed the casualty figures.

The attacks came as many shoppers were out buying new clothes in anticipation of the Eid al-Adha holiday, which begins in about a week.

"It was a busy time for shopping, so there were a lot of people around," said Ahmed Naseer, the owner of a stationary shop nearby. "When I came out, I saw burning carts and merchant stalls, and children crying and women screaming out of fear. The whole place was full of panic."

Officials said at least 35 people were wounded in the attack. The blasts pushed to 15 the number of people killed across Iraq since late Friday.

Earlier in the day, gunmen opened fire on a police patrol in the Shiite neighborhood of al-Shaab, killing two policemen and wounding another. Late Friday in the Karradah district, gunmen shot dead a police lieutenant colonel who worked with the State Identity Directorate, authorities said.

Hospital officials confirmed the deaths. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to the media.

Gunmen also shot and killed a prison official in a drive-by-shooting during the morning rush hour in eastern Baghdad, said Justice Ministry spokesman Haider al-Saadi.

Violence has ebbed in Iraq since the peak of the bloodletting in 2005-2008, but insurgents still frequently attack government officials and security forces in an attempt to undermine the Shiite-led government.

Saturday's attacks marked Iraq's deadliest day since Sept. 30, when a string of coordinated blasts that hit Shiite neighborhoods and struck at Iraqi security forces left at least 26 dead.


Associated Press writers Sameer N. Yacoub and Adam Schreck contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/bombs-market-kill-11-near-shiite-shrine-iraq-152620813.html

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Flexible hours, nice co-workers, seeing the world: Fighters talk about fighting for a living

While it's easy to look at fighters as warriors who get in the cage to get to the highest pinnacle of the sport, it's also a job. Like everyone with a job, fighters have to put in hours at their office, do mundane tasks they wish they didn't have to do, and wish they were paid more.

But what are the best parts of being a full-time fighter? Hear from the fighters.

Let's say you had the physical gifts to be a UFC fighter. Is it still a job you would want? Speak up in the comments, on Facebook or on Twitter.

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mma-cagewriter/flexible-hours-nice-co-workers-seeing-world-fighters-144019424--mma.html

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No. 2 Oregon runs over Arizona State 43-21

TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) ? Kenjon Barner ran for 143 yards and three touchdowns, Marcus Mariota added 135 yards, and No. 2 Oregon manhandled Arizona State in a 43-21 victory Thursday night.

Facing its first true road test, Oregon (7-0, 4-0 Pac-12) turned what was supposed to be a duel in the desert into another we've-seen-this-before rout by running over the Sun Devils in the first half.

The Ducks had their way against what had been the Pac-12's best defense, racing to a 36-point halftime lead and rushing for 406 yards to win their nation-leading 12th straight road game.

Arizona State (5-2, 3-1) got the start it wanted, forcing a fumble on Oregon's second play and scoring a touchdown on its first.

The Sun Devils wilted after that, unable to make up for the early loss of star defensive tackle Will Sutton or find a way to slow down the Ducks as they raced past.

Taylor Kelly, the Pac-12's pass efficiency leader, threw two interceptions that set up Oregon touchdowns in the first half and had 93 yards on 10-of-18 passing while being chased by the Ducks most of the game.

Arizona State's defense, its anchor through the first six games, allowed 454 total yards, including 48 more rushing than it had the previous four games combined.

Mariota threw for one touchdown, ran for another and had one receiving in his first true road game.

Sun Devil Stadium hadn't been the stage for a game like this for some time, maybe back to 2005, when Matt Leinart, Reggie Bush and No. 1 Southern California beat the Sun Devils 38-28.

Oregon had become the standard for success in the West, winning three straight Pac-12 titles, last season's Rose Bowl and earning a trip to the BCS title game the year before that.

The Ducks may be even better this season, again scoring points quickly and in bunches, with an improved defense to go with it.

Arizona State was one of the surprises the first half of the season, winning five games and nearly pulling out a sixth under new coach Todd Graham.

To swat down the Ducks on national TV would be a big boost to the Sun Devils, a we-have-arrived moment that would turn the spotlight full blast toward the desert.

More than 70,000 fans showed up for this highly anticipated duel, creating a "black out" with their synchronized black shirts.

The Ducks quickly made it look like they were attending a funeral in the first half.

Arizona State at least got off to a good start, recovering a fumble by Mariota on Oregon's second play, scoring 7 seconds later on a 28-yard touchdown pass from Kelly to Kevin Ozier.

The game had barely started, but that was about it for the Sun Devils, who lost Sutton for the game and possibly longer to a right knee injury on Mariota's fumble.

Two plays later, Barner ran up the middle, hesitated for a second and raced 71 yards for a touchdown.

Then it was Mariota to Bralon Addison for a 6-yard touchdown. Mariota was on the receiving end for the next score, catching a 2-yard pass from backup Bryan Bennett, who wriggled the ball forward while in the grasp of two defenders.

The first of Kelly's two interceptions, by Boseko Lokombo, set up Barner for a 1-yard scoring run. Mariota then raced up the middle 86 yards for a touchdown. Barner scored again on a 1-yard run, again after an interception, this one by Avery Patterson.

Oregon led 43-7 at halftime and had 329 yards rushing, 29 fewer than Arizona State allowed against Colorado, California, Utah and Missouri combined.

The Ducks coasted through the second half, resting many of their starters as Arizona State scored two touchdowns.

It didn't matter at that point.

Oregon had done enough during its overpowering first half to beat the Sun Devils for the eighth straight time.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/no-2-oregon-runs-over-arizona-state-43-042907504--spt.html

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Toilet fumes sicken dozens at Berlin airport

By NBC News staff

Fumes coming from a toilet at Berlin's Tegel airport on Saturday sickened 53 people, local media reported.

What kind of fumes? Apparently a cleaning crew used too much ammonia in cleaning the toilet overnight, according to TheLocal.de, an English-language news site in Germany.

"A high level of ammonia was measured," a police spokesman told Der Spiegel magazine.

Those who fell ill were treated for nausea and sore eyes, The Berliner Morgenpost reported.

Fire fighters who arrived at the scene to investigate the toilet also fell ill.

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Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/10/20/14578896-toilet-fumes-sicken-dozens-at-berlin-airport?lite

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