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Common Blogging Mistakes and How to Correct Them - Web Design

If you have been blogging for a while without seeing any significant results, chances are you are doing something wrong. Once you discover any blogging mistakes and rectify them, your blog will skyrocket at a pace you have never imagined.

But how do you know whether you are making certain mistakes or not? Below are the signs that can help you determine that.

Four Signs of Blogging Mistakes

When you encounter any of the following problems in your blogging initiative, then you must change your approach.

1. Lack of comments from blog readers. This can be a sign that you are not giving them the type of content they need to solve their problems. Also, your articles may not be engaging enough.

2. Low or no traffic at all. It is difficult to drive traffic to a site or web page that lacks basic SEO tactics including on and off-page optimization and link building with anchor text variation.

3. Not ranking for any keyword in your niche. Without ensuring that relevant keywords are present within the content of a website, there is no way it can be ranked appropriately.

4. No knowledge about your blogging progress. Failure to install an analytics tool into a website will make it difficult to track its performance. In other words, you will not be able to know what is working and what is not. As a result, you are bound to repeat the mistakes that are hindering success and miss out on opportunities for advancement.

Common Blogging Mistakes and Their Possible Solutions

Below are common blogging errors and how you can correct them to achieve your goal.

Lack of Keyword Research

It is impossible to achieve any blogging goal without a keywords research plan. Keywords are very important in content writing, link building and website ranking on Google and other search engines.

Through keyword research, you will be able to find out what your target audience wants to know about your product or service and the search terms that they are most likely to use when seeking information about your topic.

Solution: Set aside time for proper keyword research and compile a list of relevant keywords pertaining to various topics you are covering on your blog.

Bad SEO Practice

Besides your blog, every piece of content you write must be optimized so that it can be easily found by your target audience. This is where proper SEO practices come in. If you fail to optimize your blog and its content, it will be difficult to for Google and other search engines to index them appropriately, and for your prospective clients to find the information.

Solution: Implement correct SEO practices on your blog by embedding primary keywords in it, building quality links within the blog and from good sources, and adding relevant keywords to every article that you publish.

Irrelevant Content

Publishing articles that are designed primarily to sell your product or service will scare prospective customers away from the blog. People are wary about the type of content they consume online when they are seeking information about a topic. If you don?t offer value to potential clients before pushing your product or service, they will leave your blog immediately and may never come back again.

Solution: Strive to create useful, helpful and informative articles that can help them better their lives or business on a consistent basis. It will help you establish a good relationship and trust with them, and consequently turn them into loyal customers.

On the internet, people judge a book by its cover. The same thing is true of a website or blog. The first thing that will drive people away from a website or blog is the design. A poor web design makes reading and navigation difficult and hinders credibility. This can repel potential clients in the blink of an eye.

Solution: Choose a professional looking theme for your blog; contact a savvy web design firm to help you build a professional blog theme with a beautiful interface.

No Editorial Calendar

Setting up a blog is one thing, but updating it on a regular basis is another situation that can make blogging challenging. Lack of planning and continual updating of a blog will keep readers away and will also affect its SEO.

Solution: Develop an editorial calendar that will help keep the blog updated regularly. With an editorial calendar, you will not have to worry about topic ideas to write about, and on what day. The benefit of having a calendar is that it can be updated on an ongoing basis and easily adjusted to fit your needs.

Lack of List Building

When potential clients land on your blog from any source, their chances of visiting again is very small. For this reason you must build a system that will help you stay in touch with them.

Solution: Building an email capturing system for collecting email addresses of prospective customers when they visit your site will help you stay in touch with them, and keep them updated about your blog.

Poor Writing

Any article with lots of grammatical errors and typos will drive readers away from your blog. Also, they will not take the information you produce seriously and will see you as an amateur in your industry. This will affect your credibility tremendously.

Solution: Practice good writing habits. Spend enough time on writing your articles to ensure that they are professional and informative. Step away from your article for a few hours or even days before publishing. You will be amazed at the number of errors that will show up. Edit and proofread content several times before hitting the publish button.

Without proper planning, blogging can be very challenging. To avoid any pitfalls in your blogging journey, put the above tips and advice into practice and you will be glad you did.

Contact us to find out how our web marketing company can help you develop and utilize a blog to increase online visibility in SERPs, enhance your credibility, and drive quality traffic to your website.

Source: http://www.ocularconcepts.us/blc/articles/common-blogging-mistakes-and-how-to-correct-them/

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