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Intern Diaries: Class Love | College Lifestyles

While we all have to drudge through subjects we don?t like, there are always those few classes that we actually want to go to, are really interested in, and want to do well in. The College Lifestyles interns have a few they just can?t wait to go to?

The class I am most looking forward to is?because?

??My web design class because I enjoy analyzing websites,? ? Stephanie Coppola, Editor.

?Photography because I?m hoping I?ll pick up the skills to become a great photographer!? Mallory Hatten, Writer.

?Spanish because I am super excited to step into college-level Spanish and find people who love the language as much as I do! ? Angela Skane, Writer.

?I?m super psyched about my introduction to editing course! Since I aspire to be an editor someday, this course will definitely jump start my dreams. I also heard that my professor is absolutely incredible (total bonus)!? ? Kirsten Henning, Contributor.

?My capstone advertising class because it covers everything I?ve learned over the course of my time at college!? ? Diane Ferrer, Writer.

?Retailing. I?m a marketing major and I?m so excited to learn all the ins and outs on how the entire retailing idea works! Plus the professor is awesome!? ? Kaci Hall, PR/Social Media.

?All of them! I am starting graduate school, so I have very little idea of what to expect but I am looking forward to starting this next chapter,? Natalie Raymond, Writer.

?I am enrolled in all Spanish classes, and one sociology class and I am really excited for all of them,? Blakely Grimm, Writer.

?Starting my co-op, I can?t wait to gain real hands-on experience,? Shaundra Boyd, Editor.

?Yoga II if that counts!? ? Caity St. John, Editor.

?Disney princesses and diversity. It falls under the ?diversity? requirement for my magazine journalism major and is a one credit class. The topic is amazing and I absolutely love the professor teaching it,? ? Ariana Romero, Editor.

?My first African American studies course to count toward my minor. My women?s studies professor last semester was big into activism and African culture so she helped me figure out what my minor would be. She really inspired me, which is what a teacher should be doing!? ? Tiana Blue, Editor.

?The class I am looking forward to most is my journalism course so I can learn more about my favorite thing: writing!? ? Rachel Crocetti, Writer.

?Classic civilization in Rome because I took a class on ancient Greek civilization and now I am very curious to learn how similar and different the two worlds were from each other,? ? Maya Devereaux, Writer.

?Online journalism, so I can learn more about web-coding and the world of writing online!? ? Sarah Albert, Editor.

Couresty of maysville-online.com

?Broadcast journalism because I hear it?s really fun and I?ve never done broadcast before,? ? Rachel Osman, Editor.

?Event planning because I hope to one day opening my own event planning agency,? ? Teresa Conde, Social Media and PR.

?The science of human performance because my major is kinesiology and this class is related to it,? ? Carolyn McMahon, Writer.

?Book editing 1, because it?s a class all about exactly what I want to do after I graduate,? -Jenna Ballard, Contributor.

?I am most looking forward to my directed reading class on Oscar Wilde. I will be working one-on-one with my professor and the main class work will be studying Wilde?s works and writing a 30 page paper. I really think this class will help me further develop my literary writing style,? ? Emily Lamielle, Writer.

?French, because I love learning new languages, ? ? Kaleigh Dickson, Writer.

?Is student personnel administration because it is the only class I need before I graduate with my masters in December,? ? Samantha Schafer, Social Media.

?Communication in the media. I hear it is a challenging, but interesting and beneficial class,? ? Allison Cohen, Writer.

?Rhetoric of professional writing because I think that it will help me with my writing at College Lifestyles,? ? Natalia Weiner, Contribtor.

?My film making class,?I find the study of film to be interesting,? ? Shanae Hatchett, Writer.

?Historical and modern sexual revolutions because it?s taught by one of the coolest professors at Pace and women and gender studies classes are never boring,? ? Leslie Alston, Writer.

?Feature writing because my last journalism class was amazing and made me want to investigate, interview, and write constantly!? ? Tariro Mzezewa, Writer.

Courtesy of newliving.net

?My yoga class? it will give me a nice break between my other classes,? ? Victoria Baldonado, Social Media.

?Spanish!! I love language and desire to be bilingual one day,? ? Meghan Keane, Writer.

?English 202D because as a business major I don?t have the opportunity to write in many classes,? ? Sarah Gooch, Social Media.

?Marketing history because I think it will be interesting to learn how and why some of the top companies in the world became so successful. I am interested to learn which marketing tactics have worked best throughout history,? ? Kimberly Anastos, Social Media.

?The class I am looking forward to most is ?Buddhist philosophy? because it?s very different from the science-based classes I?m required to take and it sounds interesting,? ? Pauline Lacsamana, Writer.

?Criminal justice because the professor is supposed to be very good and the subject seems interesting,? ? Kristyn Anguiano, Social Media.

?Look forward to taking a few business classes on the side,? ? Kayla Divelbiss, Writer.

?The class I am most looking forward to this semester is crisis communication! Public relations is my emphasis as a communications major and I am excited to learn the ropes!? ? Shaniece Sanford, PR.

?Physical education because I love exercising! My motto is ?get up and move?!? ? Dustin Divelbiss, Writer.

?Consumer behavior because I find it interesting to learn how consumers respond to advertisements and marketing,? ? Annaliese Pepper, Social Media.

?Climate change, energy, and biodiversity. Excited to be challenged and explore this topic,? ? Ashley Offenback, Writer.

?Intermedia because I get to go to photo galleries and learn lots of photography,? ? Kristen Tomkowid, writer.

?The class I am looking forward to most is my senior seminar and senior Project because I can?t wait to see what ideas I come up with on creating my own store,? ? Courtney Smith, Social Media and Advertising.

?My video journalism class because it?s a part of the business I am very interested in,? ? Jessica Molinari, Writer.

?Draping, because I love to sew!? ? Martha-Raye Adjei, Editor.

?I?m really looking forward to desktop publishing because I will be learning new computer skills that I know I will use for a long time,? ? Emily O?Brien, Social Media.

?Creative advertising because I get to try new things,? ? Rebecca Holliday, Social Media.

?Market retailing. I love, love, love marketing, so I believe this class will be amazing. Plus the professor is brilliant,? ? Kaci Hall, Social Media and PR.

?Nutrition of course!? ? Raquel Santos, Writer.

?Music of the Beatles! Because I love them and I can?t wait to enjoy an easygoing class,? ? Nicole Veenstra, Writer.

?Pilates because its sounds neat!? ? Karlaa Williams, Social Media and PR.

?Magazine writing ? it?s one of the classes that applies directly to my major and I know I?m going to get so much out of it,? ? Casey Galasso, Writer.


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Source: http://collegelifestyles.org/2012/09/intern-diaries-class-love/

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